Useful additions to inbuilt fs module {promises}.
Useful additions to inbuilt fs module{promises} . 📦 Node.js, 📜 Files, 📰 Docs.
This package provides async versions of functions (in addition to the
existing sync and callback-based functions) in the inbuilt fs module,
exposed as *Async()
from the fs.promises
namespace. They can be used with
-based asynchronous programming using the await
keyword. In addition,
callback-based functions, such as readFile, also behave as async functions
when a callback is not provided. The idea behind using *Async()
names is to provide a flat module.
In addition, convenience functions such as readFileText and readJson are
included. For performing file/directory existence check async exists,
assertExists, and assertNotExists can be used. Cleanup of one-item outer
directories can be performed with dehuskdir. This package previously included
, which is now instead suitably included in extra-child-process
Stability: Experimental.
const fs = require('extra-fs');
// 1. Read file text.
async function example1() {
var text = fs.readFileTextSync('.npmignore');
var text = await fs.readFileText('.npmignore');
// → # Source only
// → .gitmodules
// → .github/
// → .docs/
// → ...
// 2. Read JSON file.
async function example2() {
var json = fs.readJsonSync('package.json');
var json = await fs.readJson('package.json');
// → {
// → name: 'extra-fs',
// → version: '3.0.27',
// → description: 'Useful additions to inbuilt fs module.',
// → ...
// → }
// 3. Assert that a file exists.
async function example3() {
if (!(await fs.exists('LICENSE'))) throw 'May I see you license sir?';
await fs.assertExists('LICENSE');
// 4. Get contents of a directory.
async function example4() {
var contents = fs.readdirSync('src');
var contents = await fs.readdir('src');
// → [
// → 'index.ts',
// → 'promises.ts',
// → '_all.ts',
// → ...
// → ]
| Property | Description |
| ---- | ---- |
| open | Open a file. |
| close | Close a file. |
| read | Read data from a file. |
| write | Write data to a file. |
| readv | Read an array of buffers from file. |
| writev | Write an array of buffers to file. |
| ftruncate | Shorten (truncate) a file. |
| futimes | Change the file system timestamps of a file. |
| fstat | Get information about a file. |
| fchmod | Set the permissions of a file. |
| fchown | Set the owner of a file. |
| ... | |
| link | Create a hard link to a file or directory. |
| symlink | Create a symbolic link to a file or directory. |
| readlink | Read the contents of a symbolic link. |
| realpath | Get canonical pathname by resolving ., .. |
| lutimes | Change the file system timestamps of an object. |
| lstat | Get information about a file, without dereferencing symbolic links. |
| lchown | Set the owner of a symbolic link. |
| ... | |
| readFile | Read the entire contents of a file. |
| writeFile | Write data to the file, replace if it already exists. |
| appendFile | Append data to a file, create if it does not exist. |
| truncate | Shorten (truncate) a file. |
| unlink | Remove a file or symbolic link. |
| utimes | Change the file system timestamps of an object. |
| stat | Get file status. |
| copyFile | Copy source file to destination, overwite if exists. |
| readFileText | Read file text with Unix EOL. |
| writeFileText | Write file text with system EOL. |
| readJson | Read JSON file as value. |
| writeJson | Write object to JSON file. |
| watchFile | Watch for changes on filename
. |
| unwatchFile | Stop watching for changes on filename
. |
| watch | Watch for changes on filename
, where filename
is either a file or a directory. |
| createReadStream | Create a readable stream with 64kb highWaterMark
. |
| createWriteStream | Create a writeable stream from a desired start
position. |
| ... | |
| mkdir | Create a directory. |
| mkdtemp | Create a unique temporary directory. |
| opendir | Open a directory. |
| readdir | Open a directory. |
| rmdir | Remove a directory. |
| dehuskdir | Remove outer one-item directories. |
| ... | |
| access | Test a user's permissions for the file or directory. |
| chmod | Change the permissions of a file. |
| chown | Change owner and group of a file. |
| rename | Rename/move a file or directory. |
| cp | Copy source directory to destination, overwite if exists. |
| rm | Remove a file or directory. |
| exists | Check if file or directory exists. |
| assertExists | Assert that a file or directory exists. |
| assertNotExists | Assert that a file or directory does not exist. |