Combines values from arrays.
Combines values from arrays. :package: :smiley_cat: :running: :vhs: :moon: :scroll: :newspaper: :blue_book:
Similar: cartesianProduct, zip.
This is part of package extra-array.
This is browserified, minified version of @extra-array/zip. It is exported as global variable array_zip. CDN: unpkg, jsDelivr.
array.zip(xs, [fm], [ft], [vd]);
// xs: arrays
// fm: map function (vs, i)
// ft: till function (dones) (some)
// vd: default value
const array = require("extra-array");
var x = [1, 2, 3];
var y = [4, 5];
array.zip([x, y]);
// [ [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 5 ] ] (shortest)
array.zip([x, y], ([a, b]) => a + b);
// [ 5, 7 ]
array.zip([x, y], null, array.some);
// [ [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 5 ] ] (shortest)
array.zip([x, y], null, array.every, 0);
// [ [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 3, 0 ] ] (longest)
array.zip([x, y], null, array.head, 0);
// [ [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 3, 0 ] ] (first)