A distributable module for Deputy connectivity using NetSuite API's
Deputy API NetSuite module
A distributable module for Deputy
connectivity using NetSuite API's
See https://developer.deputy.com/deputy-docs/docs for more details
Installation Instructions
npm install --save-dev @extendapps/deputyapi
Once installed, you'll need to make this module relative to you code in order to confirm to NetSuite's relative imports
Dev-Ops Suggestions
Add the following commands to you "scripts" section in your package.json
"deputyapi-setup": "cd Source; ln -s ../node_modules/\@extendapps/deputyapi/"
"deputyapi-deploy": "cp Source/deputyapi/deputyapi.js FileCabinet/PATH_TO_ROOT/",
Update .gitignore
Add the following to you .gitignore file
Create a symbolic link (Manual)
- Navigate to the root folder of you TypeScript source
ln -s ../node_modules/\@extendapps/deputyapi/
This will create a reference to the deputyapi folder and allow you to use the appropriate import statement
import {DeputyAPI} from './deputyapi';