The ledger module
This Exodus SDK feature handles all hardware wallet actions that are specific to Ledger and implements and interface which is abstracted for all hardware wallet devices.
yarn add @exodus/hw-ledger
This feature is designed to be used together with @exodus/headless
. See using the sdk.
API Side
import hardwareWalletLedger from '@exodus/hw-ledger'
import Transport from '@ledgerhq/hw-transport-node-speculos'
// Add a transportsFactories adapter to hold
// the factory funcctions that are specific to the platform.
const transportsFactories = {
tcp: Transport,
// Create IoC
const ioc = createIocContainer({ adapters: { transportsFactories }, config, debug })
ioc.use(hardwareWalletLedger({ bluetoothScannerTimeout: 60 * 1000 }))
// Retrieve the ledgerDiscovery through dependency injection
const ledgerDescriptors = await ledgerDiscovery.list()
// [
// {
// manufacturer: 'ledger',
// transportType: 'tcp',
// get: function () => { ... }
// }
// ]
let ledgerDevice = null
try {
ledgerDevice = await ledgerDescriptors[0].get()
} catch (err) {
// Instantiating the device may fail, deal with this.
// e.g unplugged, udev issues, no networking
logger.error(`Unable to connect to device.`, err)
if (ledgerDevice) {
const address = await ledgerDevice.getAddress({
assetName: 'bitcoin',
derivationPath: `m/86'/0'/0'/0/0`,
logger.log(`bitcoin address is ${address}`)
// bc1p5cyxnuxmeuwuvkwfem96lqzszd02n6xdcjrs20cac6yqjjwudpxqkedrcr
UI Side
This package is not ment to be used directly through the UI. See using the @exodus/hardware-wallets for UI usage.
The discovery provides descriptors which can be used to retrieve device handles.
flowchart LR
AA[TransportFactory] --> A
A[LedgerDiscovery] -->|"list()"| B(HardwareWalletDescriptor)
B --> |"get()"| C(LedgerDevice)
C --> |"getAddress()"| D{Pick by \nasset}
D -->|bitcoin| E[BitcoinHandlers]
D -->|ethereum| F[EthereumHandlers]
D -->|solana| G[SolanaHandlers]
If you're on Linux then it's highly likely that you'll want to setup your udev rules.
Installing Ledger Emulator (Recommended)
Clone the speculos repository & change your current working directory
git clone https://github.com/LedgerHQ/speculos.git --branch v0.3.5 --single-branch --depth 1 speculos-0.3.5
cd speculos-0.3.5
Get the Docker image
docker image pull ghcr.io/ledgerhq/speculos:sha-8241dc2 # v0.3.5
docker image tag ghcr.io/ledgerhq/speculos:sha-8241dc2 speculos
Get the Docker image for ARM (M1/M2)
docker image build -t ghcr.io/ledgerhq/speculos-builder:latest -f build.Dockerfile .
docker image build -t speculos:latest .
Launch the emulator while within the speculos
docker container run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)"/apps:/speculos/apps:ro \
-p -p speculos \
--display headless --api-port 4000 --apdu-port 40000 --seed "secret" --model nanos --sdk 2.0 ./apps/btc.elf
Now visit to interact with the emulator.
MacOS launch issues:
port XXXX is already in use
: re-map any available host port (doc)
Install udev rules for real devices (Linux only)
If you want to talk with real devices then you might require setting up udev rules.
sudo ./scripts/setup_udev.sh