Exobase init hook to proxy all console log calls to a logger
title: 'useConsoleIntercept' description: 'A hook to proxy all calls to the console' group: 'Init Hooks' badge: 'Logging'
An Exobase init hook that intercepts calls made to the console functions (log, warn, error, debug) and proxies them to a logger you specify.
Some engineers or teams may aginst this. Thats ok! This is a hook I (@rayepps) have used a lot and it's worked incredibly well. Locally, we use a simple environment variable check to disable the intercept which gives us beautiful/readable logs in our terminals. In production, we have the assurance of knowing that no log can possibly escape our logger because we've proxied the console.log functions directly.
I highly recommend 👍
yarn add @exobase/use-console-intercept
# or
yarn add @exobase/hooks
import { useConsoleIntercept } from '@exobase/use-console-intercept'
// or
import { useConsoleIntercept } from '@exobase/hooks'
This is a hook you'll probably use on every endpoint in the same way so you'll want to compose it in one place with all your logging config. We'll do that below, here's a quick naive implementation of a file logger.
import { compose, isObject } from 'radash'
import type { Props } from '@exobase/core'
import { useLambda } from '@exobase/lambda'
import { useConsoleIntercept } from '@exobase/hooks'
import fs from 'fs'
const endpoint = (props: Props) => {
console.log('This will be sent to the endpoint.log file')
export default compose(
logger: JsonFileLogger('endpoint.log')
Here's the JsonFileLogger
const JsonFileLogger = (file: string) => {
const stream = fs.createWriteStream(file, { flags: 'a' })
const log =
(level: 'log' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'debug') =>
(...args: any[]) => {
const message = args.reduce(
(acc, arg) =>
? { ...acc, ...arg }
: { ...acc, message: `${arg.message} ${arg}` },
{ message: '', level: level.toUpperCase() }
return {
log: log('log'),
warn: log('warn'),
error: log('error'),
debug: log('debug')
LogTail Example
We have deep love for LogTail. This is how we use LogTail with the useConsoleIntercept
hook. First, we compose the hook in a hook/useConsoleIntercept
file in our project so we don't have to do the setup in every endpoint.
// ~/hooks/useIntercept.ts
import { useConsoleIntercept } from '@exobase/use-console-intercept'
export const useIntercept = () =>
logger: LogTailLogger(),
awaitFlush: true,
reuseConsoleIntercept: true,
passthrough: true,
disable: process.env.ENV_NAME === 'local'
Here's the LogTailLogger
import { Logtail } from '@logtail/node'
import config from '~/config'
const LogTailLogger = () => {
const tail = new Logtail(config.logtail.token, {
batchSize: 2,
batchInterval: 15
return {
log: tail.log.bind(tail),
warn: tail.warn.bind(tail),
error: tail.error.bind(tail),
debug: tail.debug.bind(tail)
Lastly, in our endpoint, we import our own useIntercept
instead of the Exobase useConsoleIntercept
hook directly.
import { useIntercept } from '~/hooks/useIntercept'
export default compose(useIntercept(), useLambda(), endpoint)