Materials Designer
Materials Designer
A standalone React/Redux application for atomistic design of material structures. Deployed within the Mat3ra.com platform as explained in the corresponding part of its documentatation here. Can be used as a library in other applications.
Try Materials Designer in action here
As below:
- Input/Output Menu
- Export materials in JSON/POSCAR formats
- Edit Menu
- Undo/Redo/Reset/Clone operations
- View
- Fullscreen mode
- Multi-material Editor (combining multiple materials into one)
- Advanced Menu
- Creating supercells
- Creating surfaces/slabs
- Creating combinatorial sets
- Creating interpolated sets
- Basis Editor
- Adding/Removing/Modifying sites
- Adding/Removing/Modifying atomic constraints
- Switching Crystal/Cartesian units
- Lattice Editor
- Adjusting lattice units/types/parameters
- 3D Editor
- Visualizing materials
- Rotation
- Repetition/Radius
- Toggle axes
- Adjusting materials
- add/remove/select atoms
- multiple selection with drag-and-drop
- Visualizing materials
Tested with Node
v14.19.3. The corresponding version(s) of npm should be fine, tested with v6.4.19. We recommend using nvm
for version management.
From source
Materials Designer can be installed from source as follows:
git clone [email protected]:Exabyte-io/materials-designer.git
Or use https, if no SSH authentication is set up with GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/Exabyte-io/materials-designer.git
then start the application:
cd materials-designer
sh run-application.sh
Some files might not be downloaded by
git clone
orgit pull
commands if your system doesn't havegit-lfs
installed. To fix this run (on OSX):brew install git-lfs # after successful installation run next command in the root directory of this repository: git lfs install
Open http://localhost:3001 to view the application in the browser
From Docker
See Docker Files section below.
Execute the following commands when running the application in development mode.
npm install
npm start
Start the application and then run one of the below commands to run the tests.
This will require proper java v1.8 installed, please verify it with command
java -version
. If version does not mach use next commands to install (on OSX):brew tap adoptopenjdk/openjdk brew install --cask adoptopenjdk8 # set to path export PATH=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home/bin:$PATH
To run all tests:
sh run-tests.sh
To run a specific test feature, pass it's relative path as option:
sh run-tests.sh -f=menu/advanced/create-supercell.feature # to run a specific test
TODO list
Desirable features/fixes for implementation:
- add tests for all the functionality listed above. We only tests advanced operations at current.
- switch color back to white when the material is back to original after editing
- add logic for Interstitials, Vacancy concentrations in combinatorial sets
- fix modal dialog exceptions for AdvancedGeometryDialog
- add line numbers to SourceEditor
- remove updateIndex action when index is the same
- show the total number of materials in set and the current index
- fix fullscreen support
This package depends on Made.js and Wave.js. See package.json for the full list.
CI Docker files
There are two docker files used for testing in CI. In principle, we could use
more targeted base images for the use case (e.g. node
or selenium
but we want to verify correct behavior
on a specific CentOS version. The first dockerfiles/centos/Dockerfile
builds and
runs the application. The second dockerfiles/test/Dockerfile
provisions and runs
the tests. The test
image uses the centos
image as a base and is related by the
script. It is targeted for CI so if you are editing
the entrypoint.sh
you may need to re-build both containers for your changes to
work. It can also be useful to comment out the ENTRYPOINT
in the centos
as well as the CMD
in the test
dockerfile in order to easily run and debug both
containers. There is also a docker-compose.yml
file which can be used for local
building and testing. Provided docker-compose
is installed, it can be used like so:
docker-compose build materials-designer
docker-compose build materials-designer-test
docker-compose up -d materials-designer
sleep 30 # let the app actually start
docker-compose run materials-designer-test
Cove.js local development
In case you need to link Cove.js into the app for local development you need
- Add local path of Cove.js to package.json
"@exabyte-io/code.js": "file:../../cove.js"
- Run the app
npm start
If you need to re-link it again, remove node_modules in cove.js and the app, run npm install, then run npm start again.