Evercloud CLI
Evercloud CLI
Evercloud CLI is a command-line tool that provides various functionalities to interact with the Evercloud network. You can use this tool to
- run Kamikadze contract
- query/subscribe/mutate to GraphQL endpoint
- output the QR code to the console.
You can install Evercloud CLI globally using npm by running the following command:
npm install -g @eversdk/cli
Alternatively, you can use npx to run Evercloud CLI without installing it:
npx @eversdk/cli --help
Usage: evercloud [options] [command]
Evercloud CLI
-V, --version Output the version number
-d, --debug Output debug information (time)
-h, --help Display help for command
compile|c <string> Compile contract, wrap it into js, generate d.ts (depends on `npx` tool, should be in PATH)
graphql|gql [options] <string> Sending a query to a GraphQL endpoint.
kamikadze|k [options] Run the Kamikaze contract, which triggers the self-destruct process by calling the `sendAllMoney` function.
qrcode|qr <string> Generate a QR code using the provided text argument and output it to the console.
touch|t [options] Run the Touch contract, which increases local state variable timestamp.
help [command] Display help for command
$ evercloud gql "query{blockchain{blocks(last:1 workchain:-1){edges{node{seq_no hash}}}}}"
$ evercloud gql "subscription{blocks(filter:{workchain_id:{eq:-1}}){seq_no id}}"
$ EVERCLOUD_GIVER_TYPE=v3 TON_NETWORK_ADDRESS=https://devnet.evercloud.dev/<ProjectId> TON_GIVER_ADDRESS=<address> TON_GIVER_SECRET=<privateKey> evercloud k
All commands can use environment variables to specify the Evercloud endpoint:
You can put all environment variables into the .env
compile (alias: c)
This command get contract solidity compilator version and run following commands:
everdev sold set --version $ever-solidity-version-from-contract
$HOME/.everdev/sold/sold <Contract.sol>
everdev js wrap <Contract.abi.json> -e commonjs-default -o <Contract.js>
npx -p typescript tsc <Contract.js> --declaration --allowJs --emitDeclarationOnly --outDir .
In result, you have <Contract.js>
and <Contract.d.ts>
files, which can be easily used in your TypeScript application.
(see evercloud help c
graphql (alias: gql)
This command allows you to send queries to a GraphQL endpoint. You can use internal SDK GraphQL implementation of sdk.net.query
or sdk.net.subscribe
to the GraphQL endpoint.
For example, you can use the following command to query the latest blockchain block from the graphql endpoint:
evercloud gql "query{blockchain{blocks(last:1 workchain:-1){edges{node{seq_no hash}}}}}"
For example, subscribe to blocks:
evercloud gql "subscription{blocks(filter:{workchain_id:{eq:-1}}){seq_no id}}"
(see evercloud help gql
kamikadze (alias: k)
This command performs the following actions:
- Generates new keys
- Generates an address using these keys and the Kamikadze contract
- Tops up this address (default 0.018 tokens are enough to deploy and call the function)
- Deploys the Kamikadze contract
- Calls the 'sendAllMoney' function, which self-destructs this contract
For the kamikadze command, you can use the following environment variables to specify the giver:
giver type (value can bev2
please check giver contracts for more information)TON_GIVER_ADDRESS=<address>
giver addressTON_GIVER_SECRET=<privateKey>
giver private key
For example, next command uses GiverV3 contract, access devnet endpoint with ProjectId (taken from https://dashboard.evercloud.dev/projects
) uses specific giver address and secret private key:
EVERCLOUD_GIVER_TYPE=v2 TON_NETWORK_ADDRESS=https://devnet.evercloud.dev/<ProjectId> TON_GIVER_ADDRESS=<address> TON_GIVER_SECRET=<privateKey> evercloud k
(see evercloud help k
qrcode (alias: qr)
To generate a QR code, you can use the following command:
evercloud qr "0:96137b99dcd65afce5a54a48dac83c0fd276432abbe3ba7f1bfb0fb795e69025"
(see evercloud help qr
touch (alias: t)
If the Touch contract does not exist, it will be deployed automatically with 100 tokens. Then, the Touch contract function 'touch' will be executed on chain, which will increase the local state variable 'timestamp'. This script verify the increase in the local state timestamp by using the 'runLocal' function. The purpose of this script is to minimize token usage for fees.
evercloud t -d
(see evercloud help t
You are free to contribute to Evercloud CLI by submitting a pull request. It would be nice if you could add some useful contracts and create an interface with new commands and parameters. Place command implementation in the root of the project by using the name convention <command>.ts
. Place contracts in the ./contracts
folder with a capital name and keep all .sol, .tvc, .abi.json, .d.ts, .js
files in the repository. Compile contracts with the following command:
everdev sol set --compiler 0.65.0 --linker 0.19.5
everdev sol compile <Contracts>
If you are using a different version of the compiler or linker, please add a compile script into package.json
. To create a wrapper JS, use the following command:
everdev js wrap <Contract>.abi.json -e commonjs-default -o <Contract>.js
After creating a wrapper, you need to create a TypeScript definition file with the following command:
npx -p typescript tsc <Contract>.js --declaration --allowJs --emitDeclarationOnly --outDir .
All new commands should have a shortcut alias in one letter.
You can use tonos-cli as an alternative to Evercloud CLI. However, Evercloud CLI provides precompiled and wrapped contracts in the form of a CLI and uses sdk.net.query
and sdk.net.subscribe
methods, which tonos-cli does not support yet.
To test the subscribe functionality, you can use wscat. It can handle ws://localhost
Evernode-SE and wss://devnet.evercloud.dev/<ProjectId>
endpoints as well. But don't forget to send an initial payload with the following command:
- add graphql query prameters and headers for authorization
- add graphql schema request
- add output format modifier
- command to show transaction/message history graph
- command to parse boc (account/block/mesage/transaction)
- command to show caps/config/zerostate