This package contains an implementation of Sidetree Core, using Ethereum and IPFS
This package contains an implementation of Sidetree Core, using Ethereum and IPFS
Run Tests
This package provides a series of tests, which act as a reference for the functionality for Element. The tests can be run by cloning this repository with the following commands.
$ git clone https://github.com/transmute-industries/sidetree.js.git
$ cd sidetree.js/packages/did-method-element
$ npm install
$ npm run test
Set Up a Node
Instructions for setting up an Element node are defined in the following documents.
- Install Local Development with Ganache
- Install Testnet Development with Ropsten
- Docker Testnet Development with Ropsten
As a Library
This package is published to NPM and can be included in your own projects with
npm install @sidetree/element --save
Element DID Method Specification
Element is an implementation of the Sidetree Protocol that uses the Ethereum blockchain as the ledger layer and IPFS as the content-addressable storage layer For more information, see the sidetree spec
Method syntax
The namestring identifying this did method is elem
A DID that uses this method MUST begin with the following prefix: did:elem
. Per the DID specification, this string MUST be in lowercase.
An additional optional network specific identifier may be added as such
By default, if the network specific identifier is not present, then the default is mainnet
The remainder of a DID after the prefix, called the did unique suffix, MUST be a SHA256
hash of the encoded create payload (see below)
Element follows the default parameters defined in the Sidetree Protocol Specificaltion.
| Element Parameter | Element Default | | ------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | HASH_ALGORITHM | SHA256 | | HASH_PROTOCOL | Multihash | | DATA_ENCODING_SCHEME | Base64URL | | JSON_CANONICALIZATION_SCHEME | JCS | | KEY_ALGORITHM | secp256k1 | | SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM | ES256K | | CAS_PROTOCOL | IPFS | | CAS_URI_ALGORITHM | IPFS CID | | COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM | GZIP | | REVEAL_VALUE | SHA256 Multihash (0x12) | | GENESIS_TIME | Smart Contract* | | MAX_CORE_INDEX_FILE_SIZE | 1 MB (zipped) | | MAX_PROVISIONAL_INDEX_FILE_SIZE | 1 MB (zipped) | | MAX_PROOF_FILE_SIZE | 2.5 MB (zipped) | | MAX_CHUNK_FILE_SIZE | 10 MB | | MAX_MEMORY_DECOMPRESSION_FACTOR | 3x file size | | MAX_CAS_URI_LENGTH | 100 bytes | | MAX_DELTA_SIZE | 1,000 bytes | | MAX_OPERATION_COUNT | 10,000 ops | | MAX_OPERATION_HASH_LENGTH | 100 bytes | | NONCE_SIZE | 16 bytes |
Element uses Ethereum for the ledger layer, which means that did's are anchored to the block chain with a smart contract,
instead of being appended to a NO_OP
transaction. Element will monitor a specific smart contract address for existing
and new anchor transactions.
Contract Address: 0x920b7DEeD5CdE055260cdDBD70C000Bbd5b30997
Starting Block: 11759377
CRUD Operations
Element supports the 4 CRUD operations defined in the Sidetree Protocol API Specification.
Each operation is performed by submitting a Sidetree operation in the form of and HTTP POST request to a Sidetree node.
The body of the HTTP POST request for an operation will have the Content-Type of application/json
to the [server path]/operations
REST end point.
The only required field of the JSON HTTP POST data is the operation type, which can be create
, update
, recover
or deactivate
The other fields are operation specific, and defined in the sections below. Example code for generating each one of these operations
for Element can be found in the wallet test.
Create Operation
Example Create
Example Recover
Example Update
The list of patches currently supported is:
Example Deactivate.
Resolve Operation
To resolve a DID , send a GET request to the [server path]/identity/{did}
REST end point.
For example, to resolve the DID did:elem:ropsten:EiCtwD11AV9e1oISQRHnMJsBC3OBdYDmx8xeKeASrKaw6A
we send a GET request to
And we should get the following response.
"@context": "https://w3id.org/did-resolution/v1",
"didDocument": {
"@context": [
"@vocab": "https://www.w3.org/ns/did#"
"id": "did:elem:ropsten:EiCtwD11AV9e1oISQRHnMJsBC3OBdYDmx8xeKeASrKaw6A",
"verificationMethod": [
"id": "#zQ3shvfXLUVwKffPochZ1UkSjxQqpgND3Z5DhzTADooqmmypp",
"controller": "did:elem:ropsten:EiCtwD11AV9e1oISQRHnMJsBC3OBdYDmx8xeKeASrKaw6A",
"type": "JsonWebKey2020",
"publicKeyJwk": {
"kty": "EC",
"crv": "secp256k1",
"x": "7hfx9LZXlMBaZ2EurUcXOITSIGLIFQ4YY7pXCbEqntU",
"y": "B1FId5MlHAuhxsDU9uvPuE2JXKVPP3ohjuR6HUvY6XM"
"authentication": [
"assertionMethod": [
"keyAgreement": [
"didDocumentMetadata": {
"method": {
"published": true,
"recoveryCommitment": "EiB2lrE88cmhcepLS-p8wBbxHfZKSvniCKfL0CfZe4i36g",
"updateCommitment": "EiBch3E26X_PoJ_Io2NS8-Dn6F94hcMAChZ6-AaZ2B_pUQ"
"canonicalId": "did:elem:ropsten:EiCtwD11AV9e1oISQRHnMJsBC3OBdYDmx8xeKeASrKaw6A"
Security and privacy considerations
A Sidetree did document need not contain a proof
property. Indeed, all operations are authenticated with the signature
field of the payload sent to the Sidetree node. This signature is generaged using a key specified in the corresponding DID Document.