A simple, safe AudioContext web music player
Euterpe.js Player
A simple, safe AudioContext web music player.
How to use
Full demo at github link
All we need to do is import the player builder and build it
import { MusicPlayerBuilder } from "@euterpe/player";
const audio_el = document.querySelector("#audio")
const music_player_builder = MusicPlayerBuilder(audio_el)
// Builder allows for attaching custom nodes if necessary, eg.
const panning_node = music_player_builder.add_stereo_panner_node()
panning_node.pan.value = -0.4
const wave_shaper_node = music_player_builder.add_wave_shaper_node()
waves_shaper_node.oversample = '4x'
const music_player = music_player_builder.build()
//Next we add a song URL to the Audio Element,
//and wait for the user input to resume the AudioContext
document.querySelector("#play")?.addEventListener("click", () => {
//Easily follow up with what to do next
() => { console.log("Playing!") },
(e) => alert("Failed to play, " + e)
It's quite easy to give user the control in UI
// Play when user clicks a <button></button>
document.querySelector("#play-button")?.addEventListener("click", () => {
.then(() => { console.log("Playing!") }, (e) => alert("Failed to play, " + e))
// Mute when user clicks another <button></button>
document.querySelector("#mute")?.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Easily give volume control via <input type="range" min="0" max="1" value="1" id="volume" step="0.01">
document.querySelector("#volume")?.addEventListener("input", (e) => {
Euterpe Player also provides functions to easily track the status of playback. It does this via Subscription/Publisher pattern which publishes every frame ( Using requestAnimationFrame()
). This allows for always up todate values reflecting on the UI.
// Subscriptions to AudioContext changes, eg. time..
music_player.on_duration_formatted((time) => {
//time == "4:53, "15:59", "1756:15:59"...
document.querySelector("#duration-text").innerHTML = time
//duration but in "0","1.2", "1223.21668181"... format
document.querySelector("#input-seek-range").max = "" + music_player.get_current_duration()
//Keep the current time uptodate but formatted.
music_player.on_time_tick_formatted((time) => {
//time == "2:52", "10:59:59"...
document.querySelector("#current-text").innerHTML = time
//Keep <input type="range"..> slider uptodate
music_player.on_time_tick((time) => {
//time == "0","1.2", "1223.21668181"...
document.querySelector("#input-seek-range").value = "" + time