Exa SDK for Node.js and the browser
Our official Javscript SDK. Uses cross-fetch
under the hood.
Note: This API is basically the same as metaphor-node
but reflects new
features associated with Metaphor's rename to Exa. New site is https://exa.ai
npm install exa-js
import Exa from "exa-js"
const exa = new Exa(process.env.EXA_API_KEY)
Common commands
// Basic search
const basicResults = await exa.search("This is a Exa query:");
// Autoprompted search
const autoPromptedResults = await exa.search("autopromptable query", { useAutoprompt: true });
// Search with date filters
const dateFilteredResults = await exa.search("This is a Exa query:", {
startPublishedDate: "2019-01-01",
endPublishedDate: "2019-01-31"
// Search with domain filters
const domainFilteredResults = await exa.search("This is a Exa query:", {
includeDomains: ["www.cnn.com", "www.nytimes.com"]
// Search and get text contents
const searchAndTextResults = await exa.searchAndContents("This is a Exa query:", { text: true });
// Search and get highlights
const searchAndHighlightsResults = await exa.searchAndContents("This is a Exa query:", { highlights: true });
// Search and get contents with contents options
const searchAndCustomContentsResults = await exa.searchAndContents("This is a Exa query:", {
text: { includeHtmlTags: true, maxCharacters: 1000 },
highlights: { highlightsPerUrl: 2, numSentences: 1, query: "This is the highlight query:" }
// Find similar documents
const similarResults = await exa.findSimilar("https://example.com");
// Find similar excluding source domain
const similarExcludingSourceResults = await exa.findSimilar("https://example.com", { excludeSourceDomain: true });
// Find similar with contents
const similarWithContentsResults = await exa.findSimilarAndContents("https://example.com", { text: true, highlights: true });
// Get text contents
const textContentsResults = await exa.getContents(["ids"], { text: true });
// Get highlights
const highlightsContentsResults = await exa.getContents(["ids"], { highlights: true });
// Get contents with contents options
const customContentsResults = await exa.getContents(["ids"], {
text: { includeHtmlTags: true, maxCharacters: 1000 },
highlights: { highlightsPerUrl: 2, numSentences: 1, query: "This is the highlight query:" }
exa.search(query: string, options?: SearchOptions): Promise<SearchResponse>
Performs a search on the Exa system with the given parameters.
const response = await exa.search('funny article about tech culture', {
numResults: 5,
includeDomains: ['nytimes.com', 'wsj.com'],
startPublishedDate: '2023-06-12'
exa.findSimilar(url: string, options?: FindSimilarOptions): Promise<SearchResponse>
Finds content similar to the specified URL.
const response = await exa.findSimilar('https://waitbutwhy.com/2014/05/fermi-paradox.html', {
numResults: 10
exa.getContents(ids: string[] | Result[]): Promise<GetContentsResponse>
Retrieves the contents of the specified documents.
const response = await exa.getContents(['8U71IlQ5DUTdsZFherhhYA', 'X3wd0PbJmAvhu_DQjDKA7A']);
Pull requests are welcome! For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.