Helper package for Sharepoint front-end development with NuxtJS
This is a package specifically for EUC Development team, which contains helper functions and basic setup for SharePoint front-end development with NuxtJS framework.
Table of Contents
- Installation
- Requirements
- Setup
- Setup Constants
- Initialize Package
- Setup Axios
- Typical Setup In One Place
- User Class
- Axios Queries
- Filter Component
- Filter Data
- Data Table Pagination Service
- IAM Module
- IAM Module Setup
- IAM Module Usage
- Migrations Module
- Migrations Setup
- Migrations Usage
- Migrations Page
- Additional Classes and Services
- Link Fixer Service
- Utilities Service
- Locale Selector
- Excel Class
- Group Classes
- Permission Classes
- Model Class
- Pkg Class
- User Class
- Url Class
npm i @euc-development/shp-helpers
- NodeJs v20
- NuxtJs / VueJs v3
- Vuetify v3
The whole setup should be in a single place where it can run before the whole app is initialize. I chose to do this in a global middleware 01.init.global.js
Setup Constants
The following constants can be set up, which also have a default value:
export const constants = {
adminGroupName: 'EUC Development',
iamAdminGroupName: 'IAM Administration',
To set this up, import the variable from the package and assign a value:
import { constants } from '@euc-development/shp-helpers'
constants.adminGroupName = ExtendedGroup.GROUP_EUC
constants.iamAdminGroupName = ExtendedGroup.GROUP_IAM_ADMIN
Initialize Package
First you need to import the initShpHelpers
function the package and then use it with the following arguments:
- basicaxios
instance, no need to do any setup, the package should handle allt
- the$t
translation instance of Nuxttoast
- thetoast
notification instance (vue-toast-notification
import { initShpHelpers } from '@euc-development/shp-helpers'
import { t } from '~/plugins/i18n'
import { toast } from '~/plugins/toast'
import axios from 'axios'
initShpHelpers(axios, t, toast)
To get the latter from Nuxt, you can do the following in a plugin:
// toast.js plugin
import ToastPlugin from 'vue-toast-notification'
import 'vue-toast-notification/dist/theme-sugar.css'
export let toast
export default defineNuxtPlugin(app => {
app.vueApp.use(ToastPlugin, {
position: 'top-right',
duration: 5000,
toast = app.vueApp.config.globalProperties.$toast
// i18n.js plugin
export let t
export let i18n
export default defineNuxtPlugin(app => {
t = app.vueApp.config.globalProperties.$t
i18n = app.vueApp.config.globalProperties.$i18n
Setup Axios
Axios Queries is a custom library to easily interact with the SharePoint API. Import the axiosService
variable from the package and call the setupAxios
method with the following parameters:
- basicaxios
instance, no need to do any setup, the package should handle allproxyLocalHostUrl
- for example 'http://localhost:8080'sharepointServerUrl
- for example 'https://ing.sharepoint.com'serverRelativeUrl
- for example '/sites/360-competency-assessment-tool-uat_cs'
import axios from 'axios'
After fetching the user instance, you need to also set up the token of the user to be able to send POST request.
axiosService.token = currentUser.token
Typical Setup In One Place
import LinkFixerService from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/classes/Services/LinkFixerService'
import { axiosService, constants } from '@euc-development/shp-helpers'
import { currentUser, groups, pkg, users } from '~/classes/Store'
import UserSwitcher from '~/classes/UserSwitcher'
import packageJson from '~/package.json'
import axios from 'axios'
import ExtendedGroup from '~/classes/ExtendedGroup'
import { initShpHelpers } from '@euc-development/shp-helpers'
import { t } from '~/plugins/i18n'
import { toast } from '~/plugins/toast'
// const linkFixerService = new LinkFixerService()
// linkFixerService.fix()
let initialLoadCompleted = false
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async (to, from) => {
if (initialLoadCompleted) return
constants.adminGroupName = ExtendedGroup.GROUP_EUC
constants.iamAdminGroupName = ExtendedGroup.GROUP_IAM_ADMIN
initShpHelpers(axios, t, toast)
const promises = []
promises[promises.length] = currentUser.fetch(UserSwitcher.getSelectedUserId())
promises[promises.length] = users.fetch()
promises[promises.length] = groups.fetch()
try {
await Promise.all(promises)
axiosService.token = currentUser.token
window.setInterval(() => {
}, 480000)
initialLoadCompleted = true
} catch (error) {
Axios Queries
To use the library in the application anywhere, import AxiosQueries
static class and use its methods:
import AxiosQueries from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/classes/AxiosQueries/AxiosQueries'
const circles = await AxiosQueries.fetchListItems('Circles', {
select: 'Id,Title,superCircle/Id,superCircle/Title,Created',
expand: 'superCircle',
User Class
To use the User class, simply import it:
import User from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/classes/User'
Filter Component
To use the filter component, first import the lang file to your project:
import filtersEnLocales from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/locales/en/filters-locale-en'
export default {
$vuetify: en,
iam: iamEnLocales,
migrations: migrationsEnLocales,
filters: filtersEnLocales,
Next import the component to your Vue page / component:
import FilterWrapper from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/components/filter/filter-wrapper.vue'
Send the required props to it:
<filter-wrapper :items="circles" :filter-data="filters" v-model="filteredCircles" />
const headers = [
{ title: 'Id', value: 'Id', sortable: true },
{ title: 'Title', value: 'Title', sortable: true },
{ title: 'Super Circle', value: 'superCircle.Title' },
const filters = [
// { type: 'number', paramPath: 'Id', label: 'Id' },
// { type: 'string', paramPath: 'Title', label: 'Title String' },
{ type: 'selectString', paramPath: 'superCircle.Title', label: 'superCircleTitle' },
// { type: 'selectObject', paramPath: 'superCircle', label: 'superCircle' },
// { type: 'date', paramPath: 'Created', label: 'Created' },
{ type: 'date', paramPath: 'Created', label: 'Created', dateType: 'to' },
- array of items you would like to filterv-model
- should be empty array initially, filtered items will be returned this wayfilter-data
- setup of the folder, see next section
Optional props:
(default: 12) - vuetify row columns setupsm
(default: 6) - vuetify row columns setupmd
(default: 3) - vuetify row columns setuplg
- vuetify row columns setupxl
- vuetify row columns setup
Filter Data
Array of objects, where each object represent a filter field. Required parameters for each field:
- type of the filternumber
- the corresponding parameter should be a number. A free text field is generated (limited to numbers), searches number in a number field.string
- the corresponding parameter should be a string. A free text field is generated, searches string in a string field.bool
- the corresponding parameter should be a boolean. Two options (yes/no) are generated to a dropdown list.selectNumber
- the corresponding parameter should be a number. All available options are generated to a dropdown field, where multiselect is possible.selectString
- the corresponding parameter should be a string. All available options are generated to a dropdown field, where multiselect is possible.selectObject
- the corresponding parameter should be an object with Id and Title values. All available options are generated to a dropdown field.selectObjectMulti
- the corresponding parameter should be an array of objects with Id and Title values. All available options are generated to a dropdown field.date
- the corresponding parameter should be a date in any string format acceptable by Moment package
- path to the parameter of the itemlabel
- label / placeholder in the input field
Optional parameters:
- Default:paramPath
. The query parameter for the field in the URL.sortBy
- Default:Title
. Available forselectObject
. Available values:Id
- Default:Id
. Available forselectObject
. The id value available atparamPath
- Default:Title
. Available forselectObject
. The title/text value available atparamPath
- overrides the column settings for the specific fielddateType
- available only for date filter, possible values:exact
- this is the default if not providedfrom
- filters dates equal or bigger than the search stringto
- filters dates equal or smaller than the search string
Data Table Pagination Service
This service works together with the data table component of Vuetify. It adds query parameters to the url, when pagination, items per page or sorting is changed, so that after refresh the table looks the same.
First import the service:
import DataTablePaginationService from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/classes/Services/DataTablePaginationService'
Then add the parameters to the data table:
Lastly call the setOptions
function after the component or page is mounted:
onMounted(() => {
IAM Module
This is a plugin which delivers the whole IAM section to the app with minimal setup.
IAM Module Setup
Import the locales to the app:
import iamEnLocales from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/locales/en/iam-locale-en'
export default {
$vuetify: en,
iam: iamEnLocales,
IAM Module Usage
Create a page for User and one for Group managemnet and simply import the components:
// users.vue
<IamUsers />
<script setup>
import IamUsers from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/components/iam/users/iam-users.vue'
import { t } from '~/plugins/i18n';
useHead({ title: t('page_titles.iam.users') })
middleware: 'iam-can-manage-iam-zone',
// groups.vue
<IamGroups />
<script setup>
import IamGroups from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/components/iam/groups/iam-groups.vue'
import { t } from '~/plugins/i18n';
useHead({ title: t('page_titles.iam.groups') })
middleware: 'iam-can-manage-iam-zone',
Migrations Module
This is a plugin which delivers migrations to the app with minimal setup.
Migrations Setup
Create migrations.js
file in the root of the project and paste the following code:
import createMigration from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/create-migration.js'
Next add the following script to the package.json
"create:migration": "node ./migrations.js --create"
Next create a migrations
folder in the root folder with an index.js
file in it. Here you need to import all migration files and export them as an array.
// migrations/index.js
export default [
(await import('~/migrations/20231011150548_CreateExampleList')).default
Create a new list on the SharePoint site, which you are using with the application. Recommended name is Migrations
. Information about already executed migrations needs to be saved here.
Create a page, where you import the main component to interact with the migrations:
- these are the migration filesmigrations-list-title
- title of the migrations list on the SharePoint site
// migrations.vue
<Migrations :migration-classes-original="migrationClasses" migrations-list-title="Migrations" />
<script setup>
import { t } from '~/plugins/i18n';
import migrationClasses from "~/migrations/index";
import Migrations from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/components/migrations/migrations.vue'
useHead({ title: t('page_titles.admin.migrations') })
middleware: 'admin-can-manage-admin-zone',
Migrations Usage
You should be able to create migration files with the following command:
npm run create:migration -- --name=CreateExampleList
If successful, a new JS file should be created in the migrations folder of the project:
// 20231011150548_CreateExampleList.js
import List from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/classes/Migrations/Lists/List'
import ListAttributeTypes from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/classes/Migrations/Lists/ListAttributeTypes'
const exmapleList = new List('Example')
export default class CreateExampleList {
static createdAt = 20231011150548
static title = 'CreateExampleList'
async up() {
await exmapleList.create()
async down() {
await exmapleList.remove()
The up method is called when migrating, the down method is called when rollbacking.
Migrations Page
To interact with the migrations, navigate to the page, where you imported the main component. If you open the page, you should see two tables:
- already migrated migrations
- not migrated migrations
Also you have four buttons available:
- migrate the next migration in lineMigrate All
- migrate all migrationsRollback
- rollback the previous migration in lineRollback All
- rollback all migrations
Additional Classes and Services
Link Fixer Service
To be added
Utilities Service
import UtilitiesService from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/classes/Services/UtilitiesService'
static preventEnterSubmitForm
This function can be called upon app startup and it disables form submission by pressing enter by default.
Locale Selector
To be added
Excel Class
import Excel from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/classes/Excel'
Contains methods and attributes to help interact with XLSX package - read and create Excel files. For more info please refer to the implementation.
Group Classes
import Group from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/classes/Group'
import Groups from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/classes/Groups'
Contains methods and attributes to help interact with group objects on Sharepoint. For more info please refer to the implementation.
Permission Classes
import Permission from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/classes/Permission'
import Permissions from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/classes/Permissions'
Contains methods and attributes to help interact with permission objects on Sharepoint. For more info please refer to the implementation.
Model Class
import Model from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/classes/Model'
Contains methods and attributes to help interact with permission objects on Sharepoint. For more info please refer to the implementation.
Pkg Class
import Pkg from '@euc-development/shp-helpers/classes/Pkg'
Contains methods and attributes to help interact with package.json
file. For more info please refer to the implementation.
User Class
Contains methods and attributes to help interact with user objects on Sharepoint. For more info please refer to the implementation.
URL Class
This is a custom class to manage the URL and its query parameters. To use it, simply import it. For more info please refer to the implementation.
import Url from "@euc-development/shp-helpers/classes/Url"