


TypeScript shared utilities and functions





TypeScript shared utilities and functions.


Using npm:

$ npm install @etsoo/shared

Using yarn:

$ yarn add @etsoo/shared

ActionResult / IActionResult, IdActionResult, MsgActionResult, IdMsgActionResult, DynamicActionResult

|Name|Description| |---:|---| |static create|Create a result from error| |data|Result data| |detail|Details| |errors|Result errors| |field|Related field| |ok|Success or failure| |status|Status code| |title|Title| |traceId|Trace id| |type|Type|


Storage interface and browser storage implementation


Content disposition of HTTP

|Name|Description| |---:|---| |static parse|Parse header value| |Methods|| |format|Format to standard output|


Error with custom data


Etsoo implmented Color

|Name|Description| |---:|---| |static getColors|Get HEX or RGB colors| |static getEColors|Get EColors| |static parse|Parse HTML color to EColor| |Methods|| |clone|Clone color with adjustments| |getContrastRatio|Get contrast ratio, a value between 0 and 1| |getDeltaValue|Get Delta value (perceptible by human eyes)| |getLuminance|Get luminance| |toHEXColor|To HEX color string| |toLabValue|To Lab value| |toRGBColor|To RGB color string|


Etsoo implmented abstract Event Class

|Name|Description| |---:|---| |hasEvents|Has specific type and callback events| |off|Remove specific type and callback event| |on|Add event listener| |trigger|Trigger event|


Keyboard keys and codes

|Name|Description| |---:|---| |Keys|KeyboardEvent.key constants| |Codes|KeyboardEvent.code constants|

|isTypingContent|Is typing content or press command key|


ETSOO Extended abstract history class

|Name|Description| |---:|---| |index|Current index| |length|States length| |state|Current state| |states|States| |Methods|| |back|Back to the previous state| |clear|Clear all states but keep event listeners| |forward|Forward to the next state| |getStatus|Get [undo, redo] status| |go|Go to the specific state| |pushState|Adds an entry to the history stack| |replaceState|Modifies the current history entry|


Array related utilities

|Name|Description| |---:|---| |differences|Array 1 items do not exist in Array 2 or reverse match| |max|Get max number item or number item property| |maxItem|Get max field value item| |min|Get min number item or number item property| |minItem|Get min field value item| |remove|Remove items by value or condition| |sum|Sum number items or number item properties| |toUnique|Make all items are unique|


Data type definitions and type safe functions. ListItemType, ListItemType1 and ListItemType2 are sugar types.

|Name|Description| |---:|---| |DataType|Data type enum| |AddAndEditType|Add and edit data type| |AddOrEditType|Add or edit conditional type| |addUrlParam|Add parameter to URL| |addUrlParams|Add parameters to URL| |Basic|Basic types, includes number, bigint, Date, boolean, string| |BasicArray|Basic type name array| |BasicConditional|Conditional type based on BasicNames| |BasicNames|Basic type and basic type array names array| |BasicTemplate|Basic type template| |BasicTemplateType|Basic template type| |CombinedEnum|Combined type enum| |CultureDefinition|Culture definition| |DI|Dynamic interface with multiple properties| |DIS|Dynamic interface with single property| |EnumBase|Enum base type| |EnumValue|Enum value type| |ExtendedEnum|Extended type enum| |Func|Function type, R is return type| |HAlign|Horizontal align| |HAlignEnum|Horizontal align enum| |IdDefaultType|Id default type| |IdType|Number and string combination id type| |IdItem|Item with id or id generator| |IdLabelItem|Item with id and label| |IdLabelType|Item with id and label dynamic type| |IdNameItem|Item with id and name| |IdTitleItem|Item with id and title| |KeyCollection|Key collection, like { key1: {}, key2: {} }| |Keys|Get specific type keys| |LabelDefaultType|Label default type| |MConstructor|Mixins constructor| |ObjType|Generic object type| |Optional|Make properties optional| |PlacementEnum|Placement enum| |Placement|Placement type| |RequireAtLeastOne|Require at least one property of the keys| |Simple|Basic or basic array type| |SimpleEnum|Simple type enum| |SimpleNames|Simple type names| |SimpleObject|Simple object, string key, simple type and null value Record| |StringDictionary|String key, string value Record| |StringRecord|String key, unknown value Record| |TitleDefaultType|Title default type| |VAlign|Vertical align| |VAlignEnum|Vertical align enum| |Methods|| |convert|Convert value to target type| |convertByType|Convert by type name like 'string'| |convertSimple|Convert value to target enum type| |getBasicName|Get basic type name from Enum type| |getBasicNameByValue|Get value's basic type name| |getEnumByKey|Get enum item from key| |getEnumByValue|Get enum item from value| |getEnumKey|Get enum string literal type value| |getEnumKeys|Get Enum keys| |getListItemLabel|Get ListType2 item label| |getIdValue|Get object id field value| |getIdValue1|Get object id field value 1| |getObjectItemLabel|Get object item label| |getResult|Get input function or value result| |getStringValue|Get object string field value| |getValue|Get object field value| |isBasicName|Check the type is a basic type or not (type guard)| |isSimpleObject|Is the target a simple object, all values are simple type (Type guard)| |isSimpleType|Is the input value simple type, include null and undefined| |jsonReplacer|JSON.stringify replacer with full path|


Dates related utilities

|Name|Description| |---:|---| |DayFormat|YYYY-MM-DD| |MinuteFormat|YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm| |SecondFormat|YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss| |Methods|| |getDays|Get month's days| |forma|Format dates| |formatForInput|Format to 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss, especially used for date input min/max property| |jsonParser|JSON parser| |parse|Parse string to date| |sameDay|Two dates are in the same day| |sameMonth|Two dates are in the same month| |substract|Date extended method, substract a date|


DOM/window related utilities

|Name|Description| |---:|---| |clearFormData|Clear form data| |CultureMatch|Culture match case Enum| |dataAs|Cast data as template format| |detectedCountry|Current detected country| |detectedCulture|Current detected culture| |dimensionEqual|Check two rectangles equality| |downloadFile|Download file from API fetch response body| |en|Get English resources definition| |fileToDataURL|File to data URL| |formDataToObject|Form data to object| |getCulture|Get the available culture definition| |getDataChanges|Get data changed fields with input data updated| |getInputValue|Get input value depending on its type| |getLocationKey|Get an unique key combined with current URL| |headersToObject|Convert headers to object| |isFormData|Is IFormData type guard| |isJSONContentType|Is JSON content type| |isWechatClient|Is Wechat client| |mergeFormData|Merge form data to primary one| |mergeURLSearchParams|Merge URL search parameters| |parseUserAgent|parseUserAgent| |setFocus|Set HTML element focus by name| |setupLogging|Setup frontend logging| |verifyPermission|Verify file system permission| |zhHans|Get simplified Chinese resources definition| |zhHant|Get traditional Chinese resources definition|


Extend current class/object functioning

|Name|Description| |---:|---| |applyMixins|Apply mixins to current class| |delayedExecutor|Create delayed executor| |intervalFor|Repeat interval for callback| |promiseHandler|Promise handler to catch error| |sleep|Delay promise| |waitFor|Wait for condition meets and execute callback|


Numbers related utilities

|Name|Description| |---:|---| |format|Format number| |formatFileSize|Format file size| |formatMoney|Format money number| |getCurrencySymbol|Get currency symbol or name from ISO code| |parse|Parse to number, with or without default value| |toExact|To the exact precision number avoiding precision lost|


Storage related utilities

|Name|Description| |---:|---| |setLocalData|Set local storage data| |setSessionData|Set session storage data| |getLocalData|Get local storage data| |getLocalObject|Get local storage object data| |getSessionData|Get session storage data| |getSessionObject|Get session storage object data|


String and other related utilities

|Name|Description| |---:|---| |addBlankItem|Add blank item to collection| |charsToNumber|Base64 chars to number| |containChinese|Check the input string contains Chinese character or not| |correctTypes|Correct object's property value type| |equals|Two values equal| |exclude|Exclude specific items| |excludeAsync|Async exclude specific items| |formatInitial|Format inital character to lower case or upper case| |formatString|Format string with parameters| |getDataChanges|Get data changed fields with input data updated| |getNestedValue|Get nested value from object| |getTimeZone|Get time zone| |hideData|Hide data| |hideEmail|Hide email data| |isDigits|Is digits string| |isEmail|Is email string| |joinItems|Join items as a string| |mergeFormData|Merge form data to primary one| |mergeClasses|Merge class names| |newGUID|Create a GUID| |numberToChars|Number to base64 chars| |objectEqual|Test two objects are equal or not| |objectKeys|Get two object's unqiue properties| |objectUpdated|Get the new object's updated fields contrast to the previous object| |parseJsonArray|Try to parse JSON input to array| |parsePath|Parse path similar with node.js path.parse| |parseString|Parse string (JSON) to specific type| |removeEmptyValues|Remove empty values (null, undefined, '') from the input object| |removeNonLetters|Remove non letters (0-9, a-z, A-Z)| |replaceNullOrEmpty|Replace null or empty with default value| |setLabels|Set source with new labels| |setNestedValue|Set nested value to object| |snakeNameToWord|Snake name to works, 'snake_name' to 'Snake Name'| |sortByFavor|Sort array by favored values| |sortByFieldFavor|Sort array by favored field values| |trim|Trim chars| |trimEnd|Trim end chars| |trimStart|Trim start chars|