ETSOO Free WYSIWYG HTML Editor 亿速思维免费提供的所见即所的HTML编辑器
Access to https://jsfiddle.net/q2mhLufr/ for a quick look. 访问网址 https://jsfiddle.net/q2mhLufr/ 在线快速预览。
Support / 支持
- Browsers since 2019 (ES2019+), no Internet Exployer support.
- Custom HTML element/component feature. Easilly integrate with other frameworks like Angular/React/Vue.
- Splitted fabric into separate file to reduce load size.
- English and Chinese(简体/繁体).
/ Picture editing / 图片编辑
- Browser(client) side picture editing like rotate/resize/filter, text.
- Integrated with Fabric.js (http://fabricjs.com/).
Installing / 安装
Using npm:
$ npm install @etsoo/editor
Using yarn:
$ yarn add @etsoo/editor
Using web: Use CDN or download the file for the latest version. Replace @latest with a specific version like @1.0.5 for it.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@etsoo/editor@latest/dist/eoeditor.js"></script>
<eo-editor name="content">
Content to be edited here<br>包含编辑的内容
// Get the editor reference
const editor = document.querySelector('eo-editor');
if (editor) {
// Call 'getContent' method to get the editor's content
const content = editor.getContent();
Using ReactJs: React component wrapper EOEditorEx, or install '@etsoo/reacteditor'
import { EOEditor, IEOEditor } from '@etsoo/editor';
import React from 'react';
* EOEditor
export type EOEditorExProps = React.DetailedHTMLProps<
> &
declare global {
namespace JSX {
interface IntrinsicElements {
'eo-editor': EOEditorExProps;
// Make sure import the script
const _editor = new EOEditor();
export const EOEditorEx = React.forwardRef<IEOEditor, EOEditorExProps>(
(props, ref) => {
const { cloneStyles = false, ...rest } = props;
return <eo-editor cloneStyles={cloneStyles} ref={ref} {...rest} />;
Properties / 属性
|Name|Description| |---:|---| |activeColor|Active color| |backupKey|Backup distinguish key| |buttons|All first-level buttons| |cloneStyles|Clone styles to editor| |color|Main color| |commands|Commands, a supported collection or commands array like ['redo', 'undo']| |content|Get or set editor's content| |editorContainer|Editor container| |editorFrame|Editor hosted iframe| |editorSourceArea|Editor source code textarea| |editorToolbar|Editor toolbar| |editorWindow|Editor hosted iframe window| |height|Height of the editor| |labels|Editor current labels| |language|Language of the UI, like en-US, zh-CN, zh-HK| |lastClickedButton|Editor last clicked button| |name|Name for the hidden form input| |imageEditor|Image editor| |popup|Popup component| |styleWithCSS|Style with CSS or tag| |value|Editor's value, alias of content| |width|Width of the editor|
Methods / 方法
|Name|Description| |---:|---| |backup|Backup editor content| |clearBackup|Clear backup| |createElement|Create element| |delete|Delete selection| |editImage|Edit image| |executeCommand|Execute command| |getBackup|Get backup| |getDeepestNode|Get deepest node| |getFirstElement|Get first selection element| |getFirstElement|Get first range element| |getFirstLink|Get first section outer link| |getFirstRange|Get first range| |getOnlyElement|Get the only child element| |getSelection|Get selection| |insertHTML|Insert HTML text to current selection point| |insertImage|Insert image| |insertTable|Insert table| |popupBlocks|Popup blocks| |popupColors|Popup color palette| |popupContent|Popup HTML content| |popupIcons|Popup icons| |popupStyle|Popup styles| |popupSymbols|Popup symbols| |popupSubs|Popup subs| |restoreFocus|Restore focus to the editor iframe| |surroundNode|Let first range surround node| |tableProperties|Table properties| |unlink|Unlink|