A fastify reply decorator to renderToMarkupStream a React component as a view/template (SSR, CSI/Islands)
What started as a fastify reply decorator to renderToMarkupStream a React component as a view/template (plain-old fashioned SSR/monolith/PHP way, without CSR/hydration) is becoming a full-featured framework to build SSR/Islands based applications without the usual pain! 🚀
Looking for an SSR+Island ready solution?
Discover the React Monolith framework which is a framework we built on-top of this library so you don't have to! ⚡️
Sample usage for getting started quickly can be found in the the React Monolith samples repository
$ yarn add @ethicdevs/fastify-stream-react-views
# or
$ npm i @ethicdevs/fastify-stream-react-views
First create a server.ts
file that will act as the application entry point.
// src/server.ts
import { join, resolve} from "path";
import fastify from "fastify";
import streamReactViews from "@ethicdevs/fastify-stream-react-views";
function main() {
const app = fastify();
// ... more fastify server setup ...
app.register(streamReactViews, {
appName: "YourAppName", // optional
titleSeparatorChar: "∙", // optional
commonProps: { // optional
foo: 'bar',
baz: 1,
islandsFolder: resolve(join(__dirname, 'islands'), // optional
viewsFolder: resolve(join(__dirname, 'views'), // required
viewContext: { // optional
html: {
dir: "ltr",
head: [
{ kind: "meta", charset: "utf-8" },
kind: "meta",
name: "viewport",
content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1",
kind: "link",
rel: "icon",
type: "image/x-icon",
href: "/public/favicon.ico",
withStyledSSR: true, // optional, set to true for styled-component usage
app.get('/', (_, reply) => {
return reply.streamReactView('home', {
title: "This will set the page title in tab bar!",
hello: 'world',
punctuation: '!'
app.listen(...); // as usual
Add an HomeView
to test things works like this:
// src/views/HomeView.tsx
import type { ReactView } from "@ethicdevs/fastify-stream-react-views";
import React, { VFC } from "react";
import Counter from "../islands/Counter";
type HomeViewProps = {
hello: string;
punctuation?: "." | "!" | "?";
const HomeView: ReactView = ({ hello, punctuation }) => {
return (
<h1>{`Hello, ${hello}${punctuation || "!"}`}</h1>
<Counter defaultValue={42} />
export default HomeView;
Then the Counter
Island so this component becomes interactive when page has
loaded on the client-side (i.e. browser):
// src/islands/Counter.tsx
import type { ReactIsland } from "@ethicdevs/fastify-stream-react-views";
import React, { useState } from "react";
type CounterProps = {
defaultValue?: number;
const Counter: ReactIsland<CounterProps> = ({ defaultValue = 0 }) => {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(defaultValue);
const incrementCounter = () => setCounter((prev) => prev + 1);
const decrementCounter = () => setCounter((prev) => prev - 1);
return (
<strong aria-description={"Counter value"}>{`${counter}`}</strong>
<button onClick={decrementCounter} title={"Decrement counter"}>
<button onClick={incrementCounter} title={"Increment counter"}>
export default Counter;
Then navigate to the ip:port you listen to, and see the magic by inspecting both at the page source code level, as well as devtools/page inspector. Look how the generated HTML is neat and contains everything needed for the client to start being interactive in no-time (~6ms to be interactive in this example). Enjoy ;)