A Fastify plugin to easily make one/many Git repositories available for clone/fetch/push.
A Fastify plugin to easily make one/many Git repositories available for clone/fetch/push.
$ yarn add @ethicdevs/fastify-git-server
# or
$ npm i @ethicdevs/fastify-git-server
// server.ts
// std
import { resolve } from "node:path";
// 3rd-party
import fastify from "fastify";
// app
import fastifyGitServer, { GitServer } from "@ethicdevs/fastify-git-server";
const HOST = process.env.HOST || "localhost";
const PORT = process.env.PORT != null ? parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) : 4200;
async function main() {
const server = fastify();
server.register(fastifyGitServer, {
// can be set to a path to git, else will directly call "git" from $PATH.
gitExecutablePath: undefined,
// if true, allows you to send message when client fetch/push to the git server.
withSideBandMessages: true,
// a custom resolver to resolve authorisation.
async authorizationResolver(repoSlug, credentials) {
if (repoSlug.toLowerCase() === "testorg/test-repo") {
return (
credentials.username === "test" && credentials.password === "test"
return false;
// a custom resolver to resolve the repository metas.
async repositoryResolver(repoSlug) {
if (repoSlug !== "testorg/test-repo") {
throw new Error("Cannot find such repository.");
return {
authMode: GitServer.AuthMode.ALWAYS, // or PUSH_ONLY, or NEVER.
gitRepositoryDir: resolve(
onPush: (push) => {
push.write("Hey from the server 🖖\n\n");
// to cancel transmission:
// push.end("transmission complete 😎\n");
server.listen(PORT, HOST, (err, listeningOnUrl) => {
if (err != null) {
console.error(`❌ Could not start server. Error: ${err.message}`);
} else {
console.log(`🚀 Server is up and running at: ${listeningOnUrl}`);
return server;
Run the server like so (or build/bundle it first), and enjoy!
$ ts-node server.ts
# Server is up and running at http://localhost:4200
Now you can easily git clone/fetch/push to the repository assuming you pass the right credentials set for the right repository.
$ git clone http://localhost:4200/testorg/test-repo.git
$ cd test-repo/
$ git fetch
$ git pull --rebase
$ echo "Today is: $(date)" >> ReadMe.md
$ git commit -am 'docs(readme): add the date of today'
$ git push
Contributions to this repository are welcome to everyone, please feel free to send a pull request for further review/discussion/merging/resolution. 👌
Run the tests
$ yarn test # run all tests
$ yarn test --coverage # get coverage in ./coverage/lcov-report/index.html
$ yarn test --coverage --watchAll # (dev) quick test iteration loop
Build the lib
$ yarn build
$ yarn typecheck # same but does not write to ./dist folder (only check types)
This library is a port of git-express, aimed at Fastify v3.x+. Original lib' has not received any update for more than 2 years now and has been released without any license...
It was a great source of inspiration for this library to be born, so thanks to the author for that piece of code! 😅
The MIT license.