A collection of utilities to help in the creation of powerbi visuals
Essex PBI Base -- Visual Utilities
A collection of utilities the development of powerbi custom visuals.
See the root README on how to build this project.
Creates a "contains" AdvancedFilter for a set of conditions
import { buildContainsFilter } from "@essex/visual-utils";
public class MyVisual implements IVisual {
private previousOptions: VisualUpdateOptions;
public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
const dv = options.dataViews[0];
const filter = buildContainsFilter(dv.categorical.categories[0].source, "ValueToFind");
Primarily for use with bar chart based visuals that support displaying grouped data. For example the "Segmented By" option of AttributeSlicer. When a column is passed into the "Segmented By" bucket, Attribute Slicer will take the bars for each category and break them into segments with different colors, each of which represents a different group of data. The name and color of these segments can be calculated using calculateSegments.
import { calculateSegments } from "@essex/visual-utils";
public class MyVisual implements IVisual {
private previousOptions: VisualUpdateOptions;
public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
const dv = options.dataViews[0];
const defaultColor = "#cdcdcd";
const segmentInfo = calculateSegments(dv.categorical.values, defaultColor);
segmentInfo.forEach((si) => {
console.log("Segment Name", si.name);
console.log("Segment Color", si.color);
Calculates the type of update that was performed when your visual.update function is called
import { calcUpdateType, UpdateType } from "@essex/visual-utils";
public class MyVisual implements IVisual {
private previousOptions: VisualUpdateOptions;
public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
const updateType = calcUpdateType(options, this.previousOptions);
if ((updateType & UpdateType.Settings) === UpdateType.Settings) {
// Settings have been changed.
convertItemsWithSegments is primarily used with bar chart based visuals that support grouping, and utilizes calculateSegments. This function takes a dataView and returns an item for each "category" in the dataView, and each item containing a list of "valueSegments" which represent the bar segments which should be displayed.
import { convertItemsWithSegments } from "@essex/visual-utils";
public class MyVisual implements IVisual {
public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
const converted = convertItemsWithSegments(
(dvCats: any, catIdx: number, total: number, id: ISelectionId, valueSegments: IValueSegment[]) => {
const newItem = {
id: id
return item;
converted.forEach(item => {
console.log("Item Id", item.id);
item.valueSegments.forEach(segment => {
console.log("Segment Color", segment.color);
console.log("Segment Percentage Width", segment.width);
console.log("Segment Value (The value passed from PowerBI)", segment.value);
Creates a wrapper around host.persistProperties()
, which debounces the calls, but instead of using the last set of VisualObjectInstances passed to it, it instead keeps a list of changes to pass to persistProperties, and passes that to host.persistProperties
when the timeout is complete.
import { createPropertyPersister, PropertyPersister } from "@essex/visual-utils";
public class MyVisual implements IVisual {
private myPersister: PropertyPersister;
constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
this.myPersister = createPropertyPersister(options.host);
public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
objectName: "general",
selector: undefined,
properties: {
prop1: true
objectName: "general",
selector: undefined,
properties: {
prop2: true
// The above calls will get rolled up into a single call to host.persistProperties with prop1 and prop2
A quick utility to diff two sets of lists based on object equality
import { listDiff } from "@essex/visual-utils";
"use strict";
listDiff<any>(["A", "B"], ["B", "C"], {
equals: (one, two) => one === two,
onRemove: (item) => {
console.log("Remove", item);
// will log "A", because "A" does not exist in list two
* Gets called when the given item was added
onAdd: (item) => {
console.log("Add", item);
// will log "C", because "C" does not exist in list one
Creates a logger, uses the debug library
import { logger } from "@essex/visual-utils";
const log = logger("MyApplication::Visual");
A decorator for use on visuals, which calls a setDimensions
function when the dimensions of the visual have changed.
import { receiveDimensions } from "@essex/visual-utils";
public class MyVisual implements IVisual {
public setDimensions(dims) {
this.dims = dims;
// dimensions have been updated
A quick utility that wraps lodash.get
, and returns a typesafe fashion of it
import { get } from "@essex/visual-utils";
const host = get(window, w => w.location.host, "NO HOST");