Web Assembly bindings for the sds-core library
SDS Wasm library
Web assembly bindings around the core library for data aggregation, synthesis and evaluation.
How to compile
The project can be compiled and run on both Windows and Linux operating systems, you will need the stable Rust tolling installed in order to compile it.
I. Install Rust tooling
This will be the same base tooling required to build the core library, so please refer to here.
II. Install Wasm Pack
Besides the base Rust tooling, Wasm Pack is used to compile the Web Assembly bindings and JavaScript glue. This allows the Rust implementation to directly run on the browser without the need of a server. Please follow these steps to install it according to your operating system.
III. Compile Wasm bindings
Open a command line in the root directory of the cloned repository and run:
> npm install replace -g
> cd packages/lib-wasm
> wasm-pack build --release --target web --out-dir ../../target/wasm
> replace "sds-wasm" "@essex/sds-core" ../../target/wasm/package.json
This will build the wasm code and JS glue and put it under target/wasm