Scripts for constructor
Utilites to start/build/zip module for core application
Special commands
- run application for developments. This mode provide render component into web browser and script by url addresshttp://localhost:8080/{project-name}.js
. You can pass this url intopreference
of core application to inject module for development.build
- build application for prodaction.zip
- make zip archive to pass them into marketplace or share.
Descibe schema manifest
You can pass classes as many as you need (array like style)
class - Descrbe infomration about Class
|cl_dataset|1,0|Indecate there should be ck_query for class|
|cl_final|1,0|Flag to show in the root of objects|
|cv_description|any sctring|Description of class|
|cv_name|any string|Short name of the class|
|cv_type|word characters with underscore|Type of the class. Will be in the type
attribute for the class|
attributes - create a new attribute (but not apply to the class, see below how to apply to the class)
class_attributes - apply exising attributes to the class
Can be class_parent
and class_child