Redis implementation of a semaphore
PassBuddy Semaphore
PassBuddy is a Redis semaphore implementation.
- Semaphores allow controlled access to resources shared across multiple self-contained consumers (e.g. lamba or server instances).
- Each consumer can temporarily claim access to a resource by acquiring a permit.
- The semaphore oversees the permit acquisition process and denies access when no more permits are available for grabs.
- Consumers are expected to release a permit once they are done using the protected resource.
- Likewise, consumers must not return a permit before executing any teardown logic needed to free up the underlying resource.
Redis Remote Storage:
The semaphore's global state persists as a Redis sorted set. The set associates member/score pairs, respectivelly a uuid generated for the local permit instance and the semaphore's timeout.
Other Redis implementation: redislabs.com
- acquire() - Makes a call to the Redis remote server to acquire or extend the permit's validity
- release() - Makes a call to the Redis remote server to release the permit
- use() - Proceeds if a permit is held, otherwise makes a call to the remote server to acquire one
- bind() - Binds a resource to the semaphore (returns a function which own return value is a promise resolving to the callback's return value)
- handler() - Returns an Express middleware performing permit acquisition on entry and/or permit release on server response
- client - Getter for the underlying Redis Client
- isHeld - Getter for the permit status (true is a permit has been acquired, false otherwise)
Constructor Options
const options = {
prefix: string, // Redis key prefix - default: 'passbuddy'
name: string, // semaphore name - is appended to the prefix - default: 'semaphore'
capacity: number, // max number of permits that may be acquired - default: 10
TTL: number, // time (in milliseconds) before the permit is automatically released - default: 5000
maxAttempts: number, // max number of permit acquisition attempts before timing out when the semaphore is at capacity - default: 5
retryInterval: number, // time (in milliseconds) between each acquisition attempt - default: 500
redisOptions: string, // Full list of options, including defaults, available on Node Redis' NPM page (link below))
redisClient: RedisClient // Node Redis' client; takes precedence over redisOptions if supplied
Node Redis' client options: NPM
All local PassBuddy instances of the same semaphore should use the same set of options.
Example - Express Application
const PassBuddy = require('@eqworks/passbuddy')
// instantiate PassBuddy
const passOptions = {
prefix: `passbuddy-${STAGE}`,
name: 'testlock',
redisOptions: { host: REDIS_HOST, port: REDIS_PORT },
const pass = new PassBuddy(passOptions)
// binding node-pg's pool.query method to the pass
const query = pass.bind((...args) => pool.query(...args))
// and then using it
const { rows } = await query('SELECT...', ...params)
// register middleware to release the semaphore when the application responds
app.use(pass.handler({ releaseOnEnd: true }))
// use the semaphore before running a node-pg query
.then(() => pool.query(...))
// using acquire
await pass.acquire()
const { rows } = await pool.query('SELECT...', ...params)
yarn add @eqworks/passbuddy
npm install @eqworks/passbuddy