Dynamic lookup - Angular Material based
Table of contents
- [x] Angular Material installed and imported
- [x] ng-select installed and imported (v. 10.0.4)
Getting started
Step 1: Install eqp-lookup
npm install --save @eqproject/eqp-lookup
Step 2: Import the EqpLookupModule:
import { EqpLookupModule } from '@eqproject/eqp-lookup';
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [EqpLookupModule],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
Step 3: Import ng-select styling:
@import "~@ng-select/ng-select/themes/material.theme.css";
| Input | Type | Default | Required | Description |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| [placeholder] | string
| -
| no | Text displayed as placeholder when no item is selected. |
| [bindLabel] | string
| 'Label'
| no | Object property to use for label. |
| [bindKey] | string
| 'ID'
| no | Object property to use for key. |
| [items] | Array<objects>
| -
| no | Array of objects that lookup will show. |
| [notFoundText] | string
| 'Nessun risultato trovato'
| no | Custom text when filter returns empty result. |
| [genericAddComponent] | DynamicLoaderDirectiveData
| -
| no | Object containing the templateRef, inputParams and other configuration parameters to add elements into the datasource. |
| [isMultiple] | boolean
| false
| no | Defines if the lookup can accept more values, managed like an object array. |
| [isSearchable] | boolean
| true
| no | Defines if it's possible to type inside lookup and search among items. |
| [isClearable] | boolean
| true
| no | Defines if the cancel button is shown. |
| [isVirtualScroll] | boolean
| false
| no | Dynamic render of the items contained in the lookup. Useful in case of huge amount of data. |
| [isReadonly] | boolean
| false
| no | Set lookup as readonly. |
| [isRequired] | boolean
| false
| no | Set lookup as required. |
| [isDisabled] | boolean
| false
| no | Disable the lookup. |
| [entityType] | string
| -
| yes | Entity name to be searched on the server when the mode chosen isn't the one with initialItems
. |
| [formGroupInput] | any
| -
| no | FormGroup that contains the specific FormControl of the lookup (to use if you're not using ngModelInput). |
| [formControlNameInput] | any
| -
| no | FormControl to use inside the FormGroup passed (to use if you're not using ngModelInput). |
| [ngModelInput] | any
| -
| no | ngModel binded to lookup. (to use if you're not using FormControl) |
| [isSearchWhileComposing] | boolean
| false
| no | Whether items should be filtered while composition started. |
| [bindCompleteObject] | boolean
| true
| no | Whether the binded object must be ID or the full object. |
| [appendToInput] | string
| -
| no | Input used when the lookup is contained inside a dialog or tab and there are visualization problems. Useful value: body
. |
| [disableReloadOnLookupAddingCompleteParent] | boolean
| false
| no | Whether data must be reloaded after adding is complete. |
| [showOptionTooltip] | boolean
| false
| no | Defines if a tooltip must be shown on option hover. |
| [sortList] | boolean
| false
| no | Items sorting based on Label. |
| [dataFilter] | Array<LinqPredicateDTO>
| -
| no | It allows you to pass some simple filters to the server (used when fullUrlHttpCall
is also passed) |
| [customConfig] | LookupCustomConfig
| -
| no | Configuration related to properties that compose the label and to full object inclusion (used when fullUrlHttpCall
is also passed). |
| [complexDataFilter] | Array<ComplexLinqPredicateDTO>
| -
| no | It allows you to pass some complex filters to the server (used when fullUrlHttpCall
is also passed) |
| [initialItems] | Array<any>
| false
| no | Initial datasource used if you want to bypass the server call. |
| [ngModelOptions] | any
| -
| no | Options related to ngModel. |
| [isEditable] | boolean
| false
| no | Defines if the selected item can be edited. |
| [isMultiline] | boolean
| false
| no | Defines if the item selected's label can be shown inside a multiple line input. |
| [dropdownPosition] | auto \| top \| bottom
| auto
| no | Specifies the position of the dropdown. |
| [selectOnTab] | boolean
| false
| no | Select marked dropdown item using tab. |
| [fullUrlHttpCall] | string
| -
| no | Full HTTP url for the server call. |
| [addButtonText] | string
| false
| no | Text displayed as tooltip when hovering on the add button. |
| [editButtonText] | string
| false
| no | Text displayed as tooltip when hovering on the edit button. |
| [selectAll] | boolean
| false
| no | Add an option inside the dropdown that allows the user to select all the elements. |
| [selectAllText] | string
| 'Seleziona tutto'
| no | Text displayed in the select all option. |
| [groupBy] | string \| Function
| -
| no | Allow to group items by key or function expression. |
| [groupValue] | (groupKey: string, children: any[]) => Object
| -
| no | Function expression to provide group value. |
| [groupByProperty] | string
| -
| no | Property name used to group items. |
| [selectableGroup] | boolean
| false
| no | Allow to select group when groupBy is used. |
| [selectableGroupAsModel] | boolean
| false
| no | Indicates whether to select all children or group itself. |
| [clearAllText] | string
| -
| no | Text displayed as tooltip when hovering the clear button. |
| [customOption] | TemplateRef
| -
| no | Custom template for the option inside the dropdown panel. |
| [customLabel] | TemplateRef
| -
| no | Custom template for the selected item's label. |
| [manipulateDataFn] | (items: any) => LookupDTO[]
| -
| no | Function to manipulate data after the HTTP call used to retrieve items. |
| [compareFunction] | (iteratedObject: any, bindedObject: any) => boolean
| -
| no | Function to compare the option values with the selected values. A boolean should be returned. |
| Output| Event arguments | Required | Description |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| (ngModelInputChange) | any
| -
| Invoked when the value changes and the ngModelInput is binded. When items are grouped it return the group 'exploded'. |
| (formControlChange) | any
| -
| Invoked when the value changes and a form control is binded. When items are grouped it return the group 'exploded'. |
| (lookupAddingCompleteParent) | any
| -
| Event emitted when the add process is completed and disableReloadOnLookupAddingCompleteParent is not true. |
| (searchChange) | any
| -
| Invoked when user searches among lookup items. It return the term typed and items filtered. |
| (keydown) | any
| -
| Invoked on keydown. |
| (clear) | any
| -
| Event emitted on select clear. |
| (valueSelected) | any
| -
| Event emitted when a value is selected. |
Use cases
Case 1: Lookup with initial items :
placeholder="Lookup with initial items"
Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file
lookupFormGroup : FormGroup | undefined;
createForm() {
this.lookupFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
lookupWithInitialItems: [null, Validators.required],
this.http.post<LookupDTO[]>(url, config).subscribe(res => {
this.questionInitialItems = res;
lookupChange(event: any) {
// body
Case 2: Lookup with HTTP call and ngModelInput :
Define component selector in HTML
placeholder="Lookup with HTTP call"
Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file
fullUrlHttpCall = environment.apiFullUrl + '/lookup/GetLookupEntities';
lookupWithHttpCall: LookupDTO | undefined;
lookupChange(event: any) {
// body
Case 3: Lookup with HTTP call and Form :
Define component selector in HTML
placeholder="Lookup with aform"
Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file
fullUrlHttpCall = environment.apiFullUrl + '/lookup/GetLookupEntities';
lookupFormGroup : FormGroup | undefined;
createForm() {
this.lookupFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
lookupWithForm: [null, Validators.required],
lookupChange(event: any) {
// body
Case 4: Lookup with HTTP call and extra configs :
Define component selector in HTML
[dataFilter]="[{PropertyFilters: [{PropertyName: 'FK_Province', PropertyValue: 10, RelationType: 1}]}]"
[customConfig]="{LabelProperties: ['Name', 'Code', 'ID'], IncludeFullObject: true}"
Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file
fullUrlHttpCall = environment.apiFullUrl + '/lookup/GetLookupEntities';
lookupFormGroup : FormGroup | undefined;
createForm() {
this.lookupFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
lookupWithExtraConfigs: [null, Validators.required],
lookupChange(event: any) {
// body
Case 5: Editable Lookup :
Define component selector in HTML
placeholder="Editable lookup"
[genericAddComponent]="{componentSelector: addQuestionComponent, idLookupEntity: getNumber(getFormControls('editableLookup').value), isEditable: true, disableRedirectAfterSave: true}"
Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file
fullUrlHttpCall = environment.apiFullUrl + '/lookup/GetLookupEntities';
lookupFormGroup : FormGroup | undefined;
addQuestionComponent = AddQuestionComponent;
createForm() {
this.lookupFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
editableLookup: [null, Validators.required],
getNumber(element: number | string | undefined | null): number | null {
if (element != null)
return Number(element);
return <null><unknown> element;
getFormControls(control: string) {
return this.lookupFormGroup.controls[control];
lookupChange(event: any) {
// body
Case 6: Lookup with select all :
Define component selector in HTML
placeholder="Lookup with select all"
Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file
fullUrlHttpCall = environment.apiFullUrl + '/lookup/GetLookupEntities';
lookupFormGroup : FormGroup | undefined;
createForm() {
this.lookupFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
lookupWithSelectAll: [null, Validators.required],
lookupChange(event: any) {
// body
Case 7: Lookup with groups :
Define component selector in HTML
placeholder="Lookup with groups"
Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file
fullUrlHttpCall = environment.apiFullUrl + '/lookup/GetLookupEntities';
lookupFormGroup : FormGroup | undefined;
groupByFn = (item: any) => item.FullObject.FK_QuestionCategory
groupValueFn = (groupKey: string, children: any[]) => ({Key: groupKey, Label: groupKey, Total: children.length});
createForm() {
this.lookupFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
lookupWithGroups: [null, Validators.required],
lookupChange(event: any) {
// body
NB: It's possible to change the Label displayed for groups passing some values or using the groupKey
to access the selected properties inside an array.
Case 8: Lookup with data manipulation and custom templates :
Define component selector in HTML
placeholder="Lookup with function and custom templates"
Define custom templates in HTML
<!-- Template for option inside the dropdown panel -->
<ng-template #customOptionTemplate ng-option-tmp let-item="item" let-index="index" let-search="searchTerm">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">{{item.Label}}</h5>
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">Card subtitle</h6>
<p class="card-text">
Some quick example text to build
<a href="#" class="card-link">Card link</a>
<a href="#" class="card-link">Another link</a>
<!-- Selected items' Label template -->
<ng-template #customLabelTemplate ng-label-tmp let-item="item" let-clear="clear">
<span title="{{item.Label}}">Custom template: {{item.Label}}</span>
<span *ngIf="item.Total" class="ml-1 badge badge-secondary" style="color: black !important">{{item.Total}}</span>
<span class="ng-value-icon right" (click)="clear(item)" aria-hidden="true"> x </span>
Define properties and functions in Typescript (or Javascript) file
fullUrlHttpCall = environment.apiFullUrl + '/lookup/GetLookupEntities';
lookupFormGroup : FormGroup | undefined;
@ViewChild("customOptionTemplate") customOptionTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
@ViewChild("customLabelTemplate") customLabelTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
createForm() {
this.lookupFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
lookupWithFunctionAndCustomTemplates: [null, Validators.required],
manipulateData(items: any) : LookupDTO[] {
let res: LookupDTO[] = [];
for(let item of items) {
item.Label += " added later";
return res;
lookupChange(event: any) {
// body
This library has been developed by EqProject SRL, for more info contact: info@eqproject.it