Datetimerange picker component - Angular Material based
Table of contents
- [x] Angular Material installed and imported
- [x] @angular-material-components/datetime-picker (^15.0.0)
- [x] @angular-material-components/moment-adapter (v9.0.0)
- [x] @angular/material-moment-adapter (15.2.9)
- [x] Moment.js
- [x] @ngx-translate/core
Getting started
This package is based on angular material and momentjs and allows to create 4 kind of date/time picker: date only, time only, both and a date range.
By default returns the seletected date converted in UTC time zone.
Step 1: Install eqp-datetimerangepicker
npm i --save @eqproject/eqp-datetimerangepicker
If needed dependecies are not installed run this commands:
npm i @angular-material-components/[email protected]
npm i --save @angular-material-components/moment-adapter
npm i moment --save
npm i @ngx-translate/core --save
npm i @angular/material-moment-adapter --save
ng add @angular/material
Step 2:
Import EqpDatetimerangepickerModule, NgxMatDatetimePickerModule and NgxMatTimepickerModule :
import { EqpDatetimerangepickerModule } from "@eqproject/eqp-datetimerangepicker";
import { NgxMatDatetimePickerModule, NgxMatTimepickerModule } from "@angular-material-components/datetime-picker";
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [EqpDatetimerangepickerModule, NgxMatDatetimePickerModule, NgxMatTimepickerModule],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
Step 4: Invoke the loadTranslateService method
This step is mandatory as it allows eqp-datetimerangepicker to load an external TranslateService (which must reside in the project) and which will be used to change the language of the default presets in the DATE_RANGE picker.
import { EqpDatetimerangepickerModule, EqpDatetimerangepickerService } from "@eqproject/eqp-datetimerangepicker";
import { TranslateLoader, TranslateModule, TranslateService } from "@ngx-translate/core";
import { TranslateHttpLoader } from "@ngx-translate/http-loader";
import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
import { LOCALE_ID, NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { registerLocaleData } from "@angular/common";
import localeIt from "@angular/common/locales/it";
import { MAT_DATE_LOCALE } from "@angular/material/core";
registerLocaleData(localeIt, "it-IT");
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [
loader: {
provide: TranslateLoader,
useFactory: HttpLoaderFactory,
deps: [HttpClient]
isolate: false
providers: [
{ provide: MAT_DATE_LOCALE, useValue: "it-IT" },
{ provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: "it-IT" }
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
private eqpDateTimeRangePickerservice: EqpDatetimerangepickerService,
private translateService: TranslateService
) {
export function HttpLoaderFactory(http: HttpClient): TranslateHttpLoader {
return new TranslateHttpLoader(http);
| Input | Type | Default | Required | Description |
| --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [type] | PickerModeEnum
| PickerModeEnum.DATE
| no | Defines the view mode of the picker. DATETIME = 1 DATE = 2 TIME = 3 DATE_RANGE=4 |
| [readonlyInput] | boolean
| false
| no | Defines the input area as read only. if true the value can be changed only trougth the calendar. |
| [minDate] | Date, null
| null
| no | Sets the lowest date that can be inserted. |
| [maxDate] | Date, null
| null
| no | Sets the highest date that can be inserted. |
| [isRequired] | boolean
| false
| no | Marks the input as required. Needed only with NgModelInput (with FormControl Validators.Required is enough) |
| [formGroupInput] | FormGroup, null
| null
| no | FormGroup in which the eqp-datetimerangepicker is used. If not null then formControlNameInput
is required. |
| [formControlNameInput] | string, null
| null
| no | Has effect only if formGroupInput
is not null. FormControlName of the control used in the defined formGroupInput
. (NOTE: use it without ngModelInput
). |
| [formControlNameInputStart] | string, null
| null
| no | FormControlName used for the start date of the DATE_RANGE picker. (NOTE: use it instead formControlName
without ngModelInput
, in order to work you also need to specify formControlNameInputEnd
property). |
| [formControlNameInputEnd] | string, null
| null
| no | FormControlName used for the end date of the DATE_RANGE picker. (NOTE: use it instead formControlName
without ngModelInput
, in order to work you also need to specify formControlNameInputStart
property). |
| [ngModelInput] | Date, string, null
| null
| no | ngModel to bind the inputfor all kind of picker. (NOTE: use it instead formGroup and formControl binding) |
| [placeholder] | string
| DATE: "Seleziona una data", DATETIME: "Seleziona una data e un orario", TIME: "Seleziona un orario"
| no | placeholder viewed in case of DATE, DATETIME or TIME picker. |
| [startPlaceholeder] | string
| DATE_RANGE: "Seleziona data inizio"
| no | placeholder viewed in case of DATE_RANGE picker forn the stat date. (NOTE: use it instead placeholder
property, in order to work you also need to specify endPlaceholeder
property). |
| [endPlaceholeder] | string
| DATE_RANGE: "fine"
| no | placeholder viewed in case of DATE_RANGE picker forn the end date. (NOTE: use it instead placeholder
property, in order to work you also need to specify startPlaceholeder
property). |
| [disabled] | boolean
| false
| no | If true, the picker is readonly and can't be modified. |
| [showSpinners] | boolean
| true
| no | If true, the spinners above and below input are visible |
| [showSeconds] | boolean
| true
| no | If true, it is not possible to select seconds |
| [disableMinute] | boolean
| false
| no | If true, the minute is readonly. |
| [stepSecond] | number
| 1
| no | The number of seconds to add/substract when clicking second spinners. |
| [stepHour] | number
| 1
| no | The number of hours to add/substract when clicking hour spinners. |
| [stepMinute] | number
| 1
| no | The number of minutes to add/substract when clicking minute spinners. |
| [color] | ThemePalette
| undefined
| no | Color palette to use on the datepicker's calendar. |
| [enableMeridian] | boolean
| false
| no | Whether to display 12H or 24H mode. |
| [touchUi] | boolean
| false
| no | Whether the calendar UI is in touch mode. In touch mode the calendar opens in a dialog rather than a popup and elements have more padding to allow for bigger touch targets. |
| [showRangePreset] | boolean
| true
| no | Whether to display the DATE_RANGE picker presets window. if true the customRangePreset
is required |
| [customRangePreset] | Array<{label: string; orderPosition?: number; getRangeFunction?: () => [Date, Date];}>
| []
| no | Array of objects to define the range presets of DATE_RANGE picker. if showRangePreset
is true, then the customRangePreset must be defined |
| [language] | string
| it
| no | it
or en
to specify the locale language of the application, |
| [timeType] | TimeTypeEnum
| TimeTypeEnum.STRING
| no | The type of data returned in the case of TIME mode picker. |
| [showButtons] | boolean
| false
| no | show the buttons, inside modal window, to cancel and apply the selected data. |
| [cancelButtonText] | string
| Cancella
| no | cancel button text, inside modal window. |
| [applyButtonText] | string
| Applica
| no | apply button text, inside modal window. |
| [datepickerFilter] | (date: Date) => boolean
| null
| no | apply function called to filter all selectable days (if the function return true, the day is selectable). NOTE: day 0 is SUNDAY. This input is not used in TIME mode |
| [showTimePopover] | boolean
| true
| no | Using the TIME picker via modal or keyboard input. false: the input can be inserted only by keyboard (using formControl the only output type ll'be string), true: keyboard input will be disabled and can only be entered via modal |
customRangePreset definition
The DATE_RANGE preset window has some default preset that needs only the label property to be used. this default preset has poper orderPosition value and getRangeFunction.
| Property | Type | Default | Required | Description |
| ---------------- | --------------------------------- | --------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| label | string
| | yes | text to show on the preset button |
| orderPosition | number, undefined
| undefined | no | index to specify the position of the preset. To inset a custom preset between default preset, the ordetPosition must be between them |
| getRangeFunction | (() => [Date, Date]), undefined
| undefined | no | funcion to be executed from the picker to get the range on click of the preset |
Default preset
| label | orderPosition | | ----------- | ------------- | | Today | 100 | | Last 7 days | 200 | | This week | 300 | | This month | 400 | | This year | 500 | | Last week | 600 | | Last month | 700 | | Last year | 800 |
| Output | Event Arguments | Required | Description |
| -------------------- | ------------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| (ngModelInputChange) | EventEmitter<any>
| no | Invoked when the selected value changes and ngModelInput
is bound. The output type is the same as the ngModelInput
type. |
| (formControlChange) | EventEmitter<any>
| no | Invoked when the selected value changes and formGroupInput
is bound. |
Model, Interfaces and Enums used
Enums description
| EnumType | Description | Notes |
| ---------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| PickerModeEnum
| Define the view mode of the picker. | Has the following values: DATETIME = 1
-> shows a picker to select date and time; DATE = 2
-> shows a date only picker and the returned time of date is set to ("00:00:00"); TIME = 3
-> shows a time only picker which returns the selected time; DATE_RANGE = 4
-> shows a date only picker where can be selected the initial and the end date of a range, and returns the start and the end dates with time ("00:00:00"); |
| TimeTypeEnum
| Used to define the type of data returned in the case of TIME mode | DATE = 1
; STRING = 2
export enum PickerModeEnum {
DATE = 2,
TIME = 3,
export enum TimeTypeEnum {
DATE = 1,
Examples & Use cases
It is highly recommended not to use ngModelInput together with formControl - formGroup
Using ngModelInput (type = DATE)
PickerModeEnum = PickerModeEnum;
minDate: Date = new Date(); // minimum date selectable
maxDate: Date = null; // maximum date selectable (ex. last day of this year)
disable: boolean = false; // flag to set the input disabled
date: Date | null = null;
Using ngModelInput (type = TIME)
PickerModeEnum = PickerModeEnum;
TimeTypeEnum = TimeTypeEnum;
timePickerInput: Date | string | null = null;
showSeconds: boolean = true; // flag to allow second selection from the picker
Using ngModelInput (type = DATE_TIME)
PickerModeEnum = PickerModeEnum;
dateTimePickerWithTime: Date | null = null;
showSeconds: boolean = true; // flag to allow second selection from the picker
Using ngModelInput (type = DATE_RANGE)
PickerModeEnum = PickerModeEnum;
range: {from: Date | null, to: Date | null} = { from: null, to: null };
showRangePreset: boolean = true // flag to show the preset window
presetLanguage: string = "en"
getTwoDayAgoToNow: (() => [Date, Date]) | undefined = () => [
new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 2)),
new Date()
customRangePreset = [
label: "Tow days ago",
orderPosition: 150, // to show this preset between Today and Last year
getRangeFunction: this.getTwoDayAgoToNow //function to be executed that rerun [Date, Date]
}, // custom preset
label: "Today"
}, // default presets to be used
label: "Last year"
label: "This month"
label: "Last week"
label: "This week"
Using formControl (type = DATE)
Using formControl (type = TIME)
Using formControl (type = DATE_TIME)
Using formControl (type = DATE_RANGE)
//#region time picker fields
TimeTypeEnum = TimeTypeEnum;
timePickerInput: Date | string | null = null;
PickerModeEnum = PickerModeEnum;
formGroup = new FormGroup({
timePickerInputControl: new FormControl(this.timePickerInput),
dateTimePickerWithTimeControl: new FormControl(this.dateTimePickerWithTime),
dateRangeControlStart: new FormControl(this.range?.from),
dateRangeControlEnd: new FormControl(this.range?.to),
dateControl: new FormControl(this.date)
This library has been developed by EqProject SRL, for more info contact: [email protected]