SDK staging for sending notifications on EPNS
Frontend SDK
This module is used to send notifications to EPNS channels easy. It Provides an abstraction layer above advanced internal EPNS notification functions.
It is written in typescript and requires node v10.0.0 or higher. Most features will work with nodejs v6.0.0 and higher but using older versions than v10.0.0 is not recommended.
npm install @epnsproject/backend-sdk-staging
In order to use this package, you must first have created a channel at EPNS. Then note the private key of the account you used to create the channel, because we would be using it in this tutorial
// Import the required packages
EpnsSDK, { InfuraSettings, NetWorkSettings, EPNSSettings } = require("'@epnsproject/backend-sdk-staging");
const ethers = require('ethers');
// Define the parameters we would need in order to initialize the SDK
const CHANNEL_PK = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000fff'; // the private key of the channel
// Initialise the SDK
const epnsSdk = new EpnsSDK(CHANNEL_PK);
// get the subscribers to your channel
const allSubscribers = await epnsSdk.getSubscribers()
// send a notification to your subscribers
const response = await epnsSdk.sendNotification(
recipients, //the recipients of the notification
pushNotificationTitle, // push notification title
pushNotificationBody, //push notification body
notificationTitle, //the title of the notification
notificationBody, //the body of the notification
notificationType, //1 - for broadcast, 3 - for direct message, 4 - for subset.
link, //the CTA of the notification, the link which should be redirected to when they click on the notification
Initialising the SDK
new EpnsSDK(
channelKey: string,
communicatorContractAddress =config.communicatorContractAddress,
communicatorContractABI = config.communicatorContractABI,
channelAddress = null,
} = {}
| Parameter | Description | Default Value|
| channelKey | The private key of the account used to create a channel on EPNS | N/A (This is the only parameter not required) |
| communicatorContractAddress | an override parameter if you intend to use a different communicator contract from the staging one| For Kovan Network
and for Polygon Network
: 0xD2ee1e96e3592d5945dDc1808834d7EE67400823
|communicatorContractABI| The ABI of the communicator contract specified| Defaults to the latest communicator contract published by EPNS|
|channelAddress| The ethereum address used to create the channel|defaults to ethers.utils.computeAddress(channelKey)
which is the public key of the specified private key|
|networkKeys|These are important if you want to perform any on chain activities, you will have to provide infura keys|The type of the object containing the keys are as follows interface NetWorkSettings {alchemy?: string;infura?: {projectID: string;projectSecret:string;};etherscan?: string;}
|notificationChainId|The chain on which you want to send notifications| defaults to 42
which is for the kovan network, other option is 80001
which is for the kovan network|
Getting the subscribers of a particular channel
const subscribers = await epnsSdk.getSubscribedUsers();
This returns an array of addresses, which would be those already subscribed to your channel
Sending notifications using the SDK
* Send Notification
* @description Sends notification to a particular user
* @param user User Address
* @param title push notification title of Notification
* @param message push notification Message of Notification
* @param payloadTitle Full notification Title
* @param payloadMsg Full notification Content
public async sendNotification(
recipient: string,
pushNotificationTitle: string,
pushNotificationMessage: string,
notificationTitle: string,
notificationMesssage: string,
notificationType: number,
cta: string | undefined,
img: string | undefined,
simulate: any,
{ offChain = true } = {}, //add optional parameter for offchain sending of notification
) {}
| Parameter | Description | Value|
| recipient | The recipient of the notification | it would be equal to the channelAddress for a broadcast notification(type=1), it would be equal to the recipient address for a direct(targetted notification)(type=3), it would be equal to the comma seperated string of addresses for subset notifications(type=4) e.g0xaddress1, 0xaddress2, 0xaddress3
|pushNotificationtitle| This is the title of the notification which would be displayed on the push notification
|shorter form of the notification title, it could also be the same as the actual notification title|
|pushNotificationMessage| This is the message which is going to be displayed on the push notification for this notification|usually a shorter version of the message, but could also be the actual message|
|notificationTitle|The title/heading of the notification about to be sent|any string which is the title of your notification|
|notificationMesssage|The content of the notification to be sent|could be any string which contains some text|
|notificationType|The type of notification being sent|1 ->Broadcast notification to every member of the channel. 3 -> Direct/targetted notification to a particular member of the channel 4 -> subset notifications to a group of subscribers of the channel |
|cta|The url which you want user's to be redirected to upon clicking of the notifications|URL or Undefined|
|img|A url which links to an image you want to be displayed along with your notification||
|simulate|An object which contains information used for testing purposes or simulating notification|can safely be set to null|
| { offChain = true }| an optional parameter which is used to specify choosing to use off chain notifications|defaults to use off chain notifications.|
Getting a deployed contract from the sdk
async getContract(
chainId: string,
address: string,
abi: string
) {}
| Parameter | Description | Default Value| |--|--|--| | chainId | Specify the id of the chain on which the contract ye seek exists| N/A - required parameter| | address | Specify the address of which the contract you seek exists| N/A - required parameter| | abi | Specify the abi of which the contract you seek| N/A - required parameter|
|NETWORK | CHAIN ID | CONTRACT NAME | CONTRACT ADDRESS |--|--|--|--| |KOVAN | 42 | EPNS CORE CONTRACT STAGING | 0x97D7c5f14B8fe94Ef2b4bA589379f5Ec992197dA |KOVAN | 42 | EPNS COMMUNICATOR CONTRACT STAGING | 0x97D7c5f14B8fe94Ef2b4bA589379f5Ec992197dA |POLYGON| 80001 | EPNS COMMUNICATOR CONTRACT STAGING | 0xb3971BCef2D791bc4027BbfedFb47319A4AAaaAa |