- [Configuration](#configuration) - [Create gift card](#create-gift-card) - [Types](#types) - [Errors](#errors)
Frontend Gift Card Kiosk
import { configureGiftCardElements } from '@eonx/frontend-giftcard-kiosk';
* Set it as true if you are working in a test environment
test: true,
themes: {
* Global settings for all themes
'*': {
fonts: [
css: 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Lato:wght@400;700&family=Roboto&display=swap',
styles: {
fontFamily: 'Lato',
fontSizeBase: '12px',
fontSizeSmall: '15px',
colorPrimary: '#6366f1',
colorBorder: '#e0e0e0',
colorDanger: '#e53935',
colorText: '#37474f',
colorPlaceholder: '#78909c',
colorInputLabel: '#455a64',
colorInputBackground: '#fff',
colorTextLight: 'gray',
borderRadius: '6px',
spacing: '10px',
spacingLabel: '2px',
inputHeight: '44px',
* Global settings will be inherited and overrode here
custom: {
fonts: [
family: 'Poppins',
weight: '400',
display: 'swap',
src: `url(${window.location.origin}/fonts/poppins-regular.woff2)`,
styles: {
fontFamily: 'Poppins',
fontSizeBase: '16px',
Create gift card
import {
} from '@eonx/frontend-giftcard-kiosk';
const element = createGiftCard({
* Predefined values: 'light' or 'dark'.
* You can pass custom theme created by `createTheme` method.
theme: 'light',
* API key with access to the payment API.
apiKey: '-api-key-',
* HTML container where the payment element will be mounted.
container: 'container-id',
* Initial values for the target customer.
* Not required.
paymentGatewayCustomerId: '',
* Payment method will be automatically attached to the order.
* Not required.
paymentGatewayPaymentMethod: {
reference: '',
type: '',
* Prefill form values.
* Not required.
formData: {
receiptToEmail: '[email protected]',
fromName: 'Joe Black',
* Manage to display checkout button inside UI
showCheckoutButton: false,
* Ability to hide buttons
isActionsVisible: false,
* Height for 3DS container
threeDsHeight: 600,
* Display CVV input after 3DS if the card already attached to the order
isVerificationCodeRequired: false,
onError(error: Error<FrameError | ApiError>) {
// Callback when any errors occurring with element
onProcess() {
// Callback when form submitting.
onMounted() {
// Frame mounted
onCheckout() {
// When user completed to fill the form and switched to checkout page.
onReady() {
// UI ready to display
onTransition() {
// Transitions between routes
onPayment() {
// 3DS displayed
onCancel() {
// When process interrupted by local errors.
// For example, when new card creation completed with error (unsupported card).
* Element will be automatically disposed when container will be removed from DOM.
* Use dispose method if you need to cancel element manually.
* Send submit event to form
Error Codes
| Code | Description | | ---- | ------------------------------- | | 10 | API key required | | 11 | Payment API URL not found | | 12 | Unhandled API error | | 20 | HTML container required | | 21 | Failed to render gift card UI | | 60 | Failed to create gift card card |
type MountContainer = string | HTMLElement;
interface Error<T> {
code: T;
message: string;
description: string;
violations: Record<string, string[]>;
data: any;
export enum ApiError {
KeyRequired = 10,
UrlRequired = 11,
UnhandledError = 12,
export enum FrameError {
ContainerRequired = 20,
MountFailed = 21,