EO4GEO-bok-dataviz-v3 is an script to parse EO4GEO BoK and visualize it in a circle packing d3 layout
EO4GEO-bok-dataviz-v3 is an script to parse a json-ld file and visualize it in a circle packing d3 layout.
Using npm:
npm i @eo4geo/find-in-bok-dataviz
Place a div and give it an id. If you want to show also the textual information, place a div and give it an id.
<div id="bubbles"> </div>
<div id="textInfo"></div>
Create an object with the necessary fields. Below is an example of how to structure this object:
const inputObject = {
svgId: '#bubbles', // The ID of the SVG element where the visualization will be rendered
textId: '#textInfo', // The ID of the text element where information will be displayed
urls: environment.URL_ARRAY, // An array of URLs containing the data to be visualized
conceptId: id, // The ID of the concept to visualize (optional)
versions: true, // A boolean indicating whether to include versions in the visualization (optional)
updateUrl: true // A boolean indicating if url should be updated with the concept id (optional)
In Javascript call the function visualizeBOKData(paramsObject).
import * as bok from '@eo4geo/find-in-bok-dataviz';
const inputObject = {
svgId: '#bubbles',
textId: '#textInfo',
urls: environment.URL_ARRAY,
conceptId: id,
versions: true,
updateUrl: true
// will render the graphical view and the textual view from the current version in database
Other functions
import * as bok from '@eo4geo/find-in-bok-dataviz';
selectedNodes = bok.searchInBoK(searchText); // returns an array of concepts matching the searchText string
bok.browseToConcept(conceptShortName); // navigates to the concept specified
bok.cleanSearchInBOK(); // clean search highlighting
// Examples
selectedNodes = bok.searchInBoK('Analytics');
bok.browseToConcept('GIST'); // navigates to root concept
bok.browseToConcept('AM'); // navigates to Analytical Methods concept