ESM compatible tween functions
Robert Penner's tweening functions as used in tween-functions, and unlike @tweenjs/tween.js it's not written in a metalanguage so the source can be directly included without build, but it does include types built with jsdoc.
Penner's original functions uses the change in value rather than final value as parameter. tween-functions changed this to finalValue, which I continue to support.
tweenFunction.tweenName(currentTime, beginValue, endValue, totalDuration)
supports legacy usage of commonjs, modern ESM, can be built with either of those or may be directly included in the browser with ESM. No build is required in your library or ours.
const { Tween } = require('@environment-safe/tween');
Tween.easeInQuad(1, 0, 50, 5); // => 2
import { Tween } from '@environment-safe/tween';
Tween.easeInQuad(1, 0, 50, 5); // => 2
<script type="importmap">{ "imports" :{
<script type="module">
import { Tween } from '@environment-safe/tween';
Tween.easeInQuad(1, 0, 50, 5); // => 2
Available functions:
- linear
- easeInQuad
- easeOutQuad
- easeInOutQuad
- easeInCubic
- easeOutCubic
- easeInOutCubic
- easeInQuart
- easeOutQuart
- easeInOutQuart
- easeInQuint
- easeOutQuint
- easeInOutQuint
- easeInSine
- easeOutSine
- easeInOutSine
- easeInExpo
- easeOutExpo
- easeInOutExpo
- easeInCirc
- easeOutCirc
- easeInOutCirc
- easeInElastic
- easeOutElastic
- easeInOutElastic
- easeInBack
- easeOutBack
- easeInOutBack
- easeInBounce
- easeOutBounce
- easeInOutBounce
You can see a demo of all the easing functions in action by running:
npm run demo
Run the es module tests to test the root modules
npm run import-test
to run the same test inside the browser:
npm run browser-test
to run the same test headless in chrome:
npm run headless-browser-test
to run the same test inside docker:
npm run container-test
Run the commonjs tests against the /dist
commonjs source (generated with the build-commonjs
npm run require-test
All work is done in the .mjs files and will be transpiled on commit to commonjs and tested.
If the above tests pass, then attempt a commit which will generate .d.ts files alongside the src
files and commonjs classes in dist