Design Library for Entropik
How to get started with development
Use node version 20.11.0
. Run the following commands:
- npm i
- npm start
Available Scripts
In the project directory, you can run:
npm run storybook
Runs the app in the development mode.
npm chromatic
To Deploy the changes on chromatic
npm run test
Runs all the tests
npm run test:watch
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
npm run coverage
Runs all the tests and generates coverage report at coverage/
npm run eslint
Runs linter on all the files.
npm run eslint:file
Runs linter on a specific file and automatically adds fixes.
Example: npm run eslint:file src/App.tsx
will run linter on the file App.tsx
npm run prettier
Runs prettier and formats the whole project.
npm run prettier:file
Runs prettier on a specific file.
Example: npm run prettier:file src/App.tsx
will run prettier on the file App.tsx
npm run precommit
It is triggered before commit, at .husky/pre-commit
Runs all the
- test cases,
- prettier,
- eslint
on the staged files.
npm run build
Builds the app for production to the dist
Deployment Package
NPM Package