Complete framework to facilitate music commands using discord.js v13
This is a fork of Discord Music Player (DMP) by SushiBtw. The reason behind the existence of this fork is as follows:
- Not being actively maintained when ytdl-core was having issues
- A lot of cases that were not accounted for in the codebase
This fork will attempt to stay current with upstream. This does not mean that all or any upstream code changes will be utilized. Just that Git will say that I am not behind on any commits.
Major differences within this fork
- Using @distube/ytdl-core instead of ytdl-core
- Using @distube/ytsr instead of node-ytsr
- Built-in Apple Music link support
- More search queries to ensure song is valid
- Changed how seek works in regards of songs on repeat
- Increased queue stability in case of failed searches
- Changed how Queue#stop works
- Added event emits for all errors
- Changed internal Youtube URL regex
- Basic filter support - I don't intend to expand more on this
| Version | Status and Information| ---|---| az29 | Latest - Based on DMP 9.1.1 az28 and below | Deprecated
Note: This is the v9 version of Discord Music Player for Discord.JS v13 and v14!
Discord Music Player is a powerful Node.js module that allows you to easily implement music commands. Everything is customizable, and everything can be done using this package - there are no limitations!
This package supports YouTube Videos & Playlists, Spotify Songs & Playlists, Apple Music Songs & Playlists.
Node.JS v18 or newer is required to run this module.
npm install --save @enrelyugi/discord-music-player
Install @discordjs/opus:
npm install --save @discordjs/opus
Install FFMPEG!
Discord Music Player documentation: https://discord-music-player.js.org/
Read the code as well :)
Getting Started
The code bellow, will show you how to use DMP in your code.
Please define your Player after the client/bot definition.
[!] Remember to include the related voice Intents at the client options. [!]
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({
const settings = {
prefix: '!',
token: 'YourBotTokenHere'
const { Player } = require("discord-music-player");
const player = new Player(client, {
leaveOnEmpty: false, // This options are optional.
// You can define the Player as *client.player* to easily access it.
client.player = player;
client.on("ready", () => {
console.log("I am ready to Play with DMP 🎶");
Example Usage
const { RepeatMode } = require('discord-music-player');
client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => {
const args = message.content.slice(settings.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
const command = args.shift();
let guildQueue = client.player.getQueue(message.guild.id);
if(command === 'play') {
let queue = client.player.createQueue(message.guild.id);
await queue.join(message.member.voice.channel);
let song = await queue.play(args.join(' ')).catch(err => {
if(command === 'playlist') {
let queue = client.player.createQueue(message.guild.id);
await queue.join(message.member.voice.channel);
let song = await queue.playlist(args.join(' ')).catch(err => {
if(command === 'skip') {
if(command === 'stop') {
if(command === 'removeLoop') {
guildQueue.setRepeatMode(RepeatMode.DISABLED); // or 0 instead of RepeatMode.DISABLED
if(command === 'toggleLoop') {
guildQueue.setRepeatMode(RepeatMode.SONG); // or 1 instead of RepeatMode.SONG
if(command === 'toggleQueueLoop') {
guildQueue.setRepeatMode(RepeatMode.QUEUE); // or 2 instead of RepeatMode.QUEUE
if(command === 'setVolume') {
if(command === 'seek') {
guildQueue.seek(parseInt(args[0]) * 1000);
if(command === 'clearQueue') {
if(command === 'shuffle') {
if(command === 'getQueue') {
if(command === 'getVolume') {
if(command === 'nowPlaying') {
console.log(`Now playing: ${guildQueue.nowPlaying}`);
if(command === 'pause') {
if(command === 'resume') {
if(command === 'remove') {
if(command === 'createProgressBar') {
const ProgressBar = guildQueue.createProgressBar();
// [======> ][00:35/2:20]
// Init the event listener only once (at the top of your code).
// Emitted when channel was empty.
.on('channelEmpty', (queue) =>
console.log(`Everyone left the Voice Channel, queue ended.`))
// Emitted when a song was added to the queue.
.on('songAdd', (queue, song) =>
console.log(`Song ${song} was added to the queue.`))
// Emitted when a playlist was added to the queue.
.on('playlistAdd', (queue, playlist) =>
console.log(`Playlist ${playlist} with ${playlist.songs.length} was added to the queue.`))
// Emitted when there was no more music to play.
.on('queueDestroyed', (queue) =>
console.log(`The queue was destroyed.`))
// Emitted when the queue was destroyed (either by ending or stopping).
.on('queueEnd', (queue) =>
console.log(`The queue has ended.`))
// Emitted when a song changed.
.on('songChanged', (queue, newSong, oldSong) =>
console.log(`${newSong} is now playing.`))
// Emitted when a first song in the queue started playing.
.on('songFirst', (queue, song) =>
console.log(`Started playing ${song}.`))
// Emitted when someone disconnected the bot from the channel.
.on('clientDisconnect', (queue) =>
console.log(`I was kicked from the Voice Channel, queue ended.`))
// Emitted when deafenOnJoin is true and the bot was undeafened
.on('clientUndeafen', (queue) =>
console.log(`I got undefeanded.`))
// Emitted when there was an error in runtime
.on('error', (error, queue) => {
console.log(`Error: ${error} in ${queue.guild.name}`);
Passing custom data
While running the Queue#createQueue()
method you can pass a options#data
object to hold custom data.
This can be made in two ways:
// Pass custom data
await player.createQueue(message.guild.id, {
data: {
queueInitMessage: message,
myObject: 'this will stay with the queue :)',
more: 'add more... there are no limitations...'
// Or by using
whatever: 'you want :D'
// Access custom data
let queue = player.getQueue(message.guild.id);
let initMessage = queue.data.queueInitMessage;
await initMessage.channel.send(`This message object is hold in Queue :D`);
Song or Playlist
While running the Queue#play()
/Queue#playlist() method you can pass a options#data
object to hold custom data.
This can be made in two ways:
// Play the song
let song = await queue.play('Born in the USA!');
// Set song data
initMessage: message
// Play the playlist
let playlist = await queue.playlist('https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDLGxnP4y2mGKGEqwxWTRkd3HtrrVTMdU');
// Set playlist data (will set data for each song in the playlist)
initMessage: message
// Access custom data
let queue = player.getQueue(message.guild.id);
let { initMessage } = queue.nowPlaying.data;
await initMessage.channel.send(`This message object is hold in Song :D`);