Functional Components for Semantic UI React Form
= Semantic-UI react form :toc: right
== How to test locally
npx webpack && npx http-server example
== Changelog
=== 2.4.0
- Make Reset and Submit Button customizable
- semantic-ui-react 2.0.3 -> 2.0.4
- Build system upgrades
- Node 14.17.6 -> 14.18.0
- Babel 7.15.6 -> 7.15.7
- Core-js 3.17.3 -> 3.18.2
- Webpack 5.52.1 -> 5.57.1
=== 2.3.0
- Support nested validation by accepting {error: '', path: ''} returned from schema validator functions
- Build system upgrades
- Node 14.17.5 -> 14.17.6
- Babel 7.15.3 -> 7.15.6
- Core-js 3.16.4 -> 3.17.3
- Webpack 5.51.1 -> 5.52.1
=== 2.2.1
- Build system upgrades
- Node 14.17.0 -> 14.17.5
- Babel 7.14.3 -> 7.15.3
- Core-js 3.12.1 -> 3.16.4
- React 16.13.1 -> 17.0.2
- Webpack 5.37.0 -> 5.51.1
=== 2.2.0
- Make it possible to manually disable:
- DeleteButton
- InsertButton
- MoveUpButton
- ResetButton
- SortButton
- ValidateFormButton
- VisitAllButton
=== 2.1.0
- Make it possible to manually disable the Submit button
- Build system upgrades
- Node 14.17.0
- Webpack 5.37
- Removed @purtuga/esm-webpack-plugin (requires webpack 4)
- Babel 7.14.3
- Core-js 3.12.1
=== 2.0.4
- Node 14.15.5
- Static import paths
- Depend on core-js
=== 2.0.3
- Node 14.15.4
- Upgrade node modules (patch, minor)
- Upgraded to semantic-ui-react-2.0.3
=== 1.1.0
- Upgraded to semantic-ui-react-1.0.0
=== 1.0.0
- Upgraded to semantic-ui-react-1.0.0
=== 0.0.6
- validateOnInit synchronously with useRef before first render
- setVisited can't short circuit when called from setValue with validate:true
=== 0.0.5
- Replaced JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(x)) with cloneDeep(x) in reducer
- Added afterValidate
- Added afterVisit
- Added setError
- Added validate to setVisited action
- Added validate and visit to setValue action
- Removed validateField
- Refactoring
=== 0.0.4
- Add setSchema action
=== 0.0.3
- Made schema part of state (so it can be changed by child forms)
- Added setState action
- Switch from uglify to terser
=== 0.0.2
- Added VisitAllButton