Enjinstarter JavaScript Style Guide
Enjinstarter JavaScript Style Guide
This style guide is based off the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide with the changes listed below.
Install the package:
# npm
npm install --save-dev @enjinstarter/ejs-eslint-config
# yarn
yarn add --dev @enjinstarter/ejs-eslint-config
# pnpm
pnpm add --save-dev @enjinstarter/ejs-eslint-config
Install the peer dependencies:
npm info "eslint-config-airbnb@latest" peerDependencies
If using npm 5+, use this shortcut
# npm
npx install-peerdeps --dev @enjinstarter/ejs-eslint-config
# yarn
npx install-peerdeps --dev --yarn @enjinstarter/ejs-eslint-config
# pnpm
npx install-peerdeps --dev --pnpm @enjinstarter/ejs-eslint-config
Add the following configuration to your eslint config:
"extends": [
:warning: WARNING:
[email protected]
is not supported!
Table of Contents
Naming Conventions
1.1 All web3 variables or functions that are in WEI amounts should have the "_WEI" suffix. eslint:
// bad const userBalance function getUserBalance() { // ... } // good const userBalance_WEI function getUserBalance_WEI() { // ... }
1.2 All web3 variables or functions that are of the number type should have the "_NUM" suffice. eslint:
// bad const userBalance function getUserBalance() { // ... } // good const userBalance_NUM function getUserBalance_NUM() { // ... }
1.3 All web3 variables or functions that are of the BigNumber type should have the "_BN" suffix. eslint:
// bad const userBalance function getUserBalance() { // ... } // good const userBalance_BN function getUserBalance_BN() { // ... }
1.4 All variables or functions that are of the boolean type should have the "is" or "has" suffix. eslint:
// bad const staked function checkLocked() { // ... } // good const hasStake function isLocked() { // ... }