This is a simple chat application that can send and receive messages via its interface. It also provides some special features like image display, combo box selection, and auto-complete.
React chat application
This is a simple chat application that can send and receive messages via its interface. It also provides some special features like image display, combo box selection, and auto-complete.
What this app does
- gets messages and displays on the screen
- sends new message
- displays image
- displays a combo box with options
- auto-complete from a default list
How to run
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies with
npm install
- Run
npm start
to start the development server - Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Wireframe of the app
Go to wireframe
Core functionality
Chat interface
- sends and receieves messages
Messages inside a scrollable area
Text input area
Special features
Image display
- "/image"
- placeholder eg: "/image3"
- image service https://picsum.photos/
Combo box selection
- "/select"
- displays a combobox with at least 5 options
- selected option is sent as a message
- A list of at least 20 common chat phrases or words
- As the user types, suggest completions from this list. One example is "hel"
Responsive layout
- mobile and desktop
- CSS flexbox for layout management
- React with typescript which is suitable to create a reusable chat app interface for the client side.
- State management could be handled by React context and reducer for this project.
- Styled-components is used for styling which is one of the most popular CSS-in-JS libraries in the Github community. Styled-components Github
- It isolates component styles. So makes it easier to maintain and debug.