This fully tested library allows you to build advanced and very fast browser UI components:
@emberx/component - Ember/Glimmer Components for node.js and browser
This fully tested library allows you to build advanced and very fast browser UI components:
import Component, { hbs, renderComponent, action, tracked } from '@emberx/component';
class UserDisplay extends Component {
@tracked count = 55;
@tracked loadingMessage: string | null;
@tracked user: object | null;
static template = hbs`
<h1>This is basic route</h1>
<span id="counter">Counter: {{this.count}}</span>
{{#if this.loadingMessage}}
<p id="loading-user">{{this.loadingMessage}}</p>
{{#if this.user}}
<p id="user-details" class="text-center">Testing it: {{this.user.firstName}} {{this.user.lastName}}</p>
<button type="button" {{on "click" (fn this.fetchUserWithFetch "izelnakri")}} id="fetch-user-with-fetch">Fetch user with fetch</button>
<button type="button" {{on "click" this.increaseCounter}} id="increase-counter">Increase counter</button>
increaseCounter() {
async fetchUserWithFetch(username: string): Promise<void> {
this.user = null;
this.loadingMessage = 'Fetching user...';
try {
let response = await fetch(`/users?username=${username}`);
this.user = await response.json();
} finally {
this.loadingMessage = null;
// Usage:
renderComponent(UserDisplay, { element: document.getElementById('app') });
EmberX Components are composable, they allow embedding other EmberX components, helpers and modifiers:
import Component, { hbs, renderComponent, action, tracked } from '@emberx/component';
class Table extends Component<{ headRows: object }> {
static template = hbs`
<table class="my-table">
{{#each @headRows as |headRow|}}
{{#each headRow as |rowData|}}
<th scope="row">{{headRow[0]}}</th>
class UserTable extends Component<{ users: User[] }>{
static includes = { Table };
static template = hbs`
<Table @headRows={{this.head}}>
{{#each @users as |user|}}
<tr {{on "click" (fn this.sortUsersByCreatedAt "createdAt")}}>
@tracked sortDirection = 'desc';
@tracked sortedUsers: User[] | null = null;
get head() {
return [
['List of users'],
['First name', 'Last name', 'Created at']
sortUsersByCreatedAt(sortProperty) {
this.users = this.users.sortBy(sortProperty, this.sortDirection);
this.sortDirection = this.sortDirection === 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
// Usage:
renderComponent(UserTable, { element: document.getElementById('app') });