Fastify plugin for using Svelte with partial hydration support
Fastify Svelte Partial Hydration
This plugin will help you add partially hydrated pages
to your fastify-svelte
Table of contents
To install this plugin, run the command:
# npm
npm install --save @elo7/fastify-svelte-partial-hydration
# yarn
yarn add @elo7/fastify-svelte-partial-hydration
To use this plugin, we have to pass through 4 steps: to register, to make the hydratable components globally callable, to add the hydration script and to use the hydration component.
The first part is to register the plugin with the fastify-svelte, by passing
the default export of the plugin to the plugins
array for the fastify-svelte
import sveltePartialHydration from
app.register(sveltePlugin, {
plugins: [sveltePartialHydration],
Register hydratable components
The second part is divided by two steps: generate scripts that will make the components globally available and the register these scripts on your page.
The hydratable components need to generate scripts that make them globally
available, below, you will see an example on how to do that using the window
object and the virtual module plugin for Rollup. Note that the generated
scripts are placed under
const componentsPath = 'src/views/mobile/components/';
const hydrateTemplates = glob.sync(`${componentsPath}/**/template.svelte`);
const clientSideConfig = (template) => {
const { component } = template.match(/.+\/mobile\/.+\/(?<component>.+)\/template.svelte/).groups;
return {
input: component,
output: {
file: template.replace('src', 'static/js').replace('svelte', 'js'),
format: 'iife',
plugins: [
[component]: `
import ${component} from './${template}';
window[${component}] = ${component};
css: false,
hydratable: true,
export default [
This plugins makes the key componentsToHydrate
available, which will contain
all components's names that should be hydrated. In this step, we are calling
the scripts generated by the rollup configuration above:
// template.js
export default ({ head, css, componentsToHydrate, content }) => `
// ...
// ...
${componentsToHydrate.map(component => `<script async src='/static/js/views/mobile/components/${component}/template.js'></script>`)}
Hydration script
The third part is to create your component hydrator, which is a function that will receive the name of the component, the props and the DOM's element where the component will be mounted, and call the Svelte component constructor:
import hydrate from '@elo7/fastify-svelte-partial-hydration/hydrate';
const componentBuilder = ({ component, element, props }) => {
new window[component]({
hydrate: true,
props: JSON.parse(props),
target: element,
Register the script above on your template.js
// template.js
export default (...) => `
// ...
// ...
<script async src='/static/js/hydrate.js'></script>
NOTE: The code above assumes that the client side compilation of your
svelte plugins are stored within the window
object, this can be achieved
by using virtual modules with rollup. There is an example on how to do this
in the Register hydratable components section.
Hydration component
The fourth and final part is using the Hydrate Svelte component, you need to pass the name of the component, the component itself and the props object that will be passed to the components.
import Hydrate from '@elo7/fastify-svelte-partial-hydration/Hydrate.svelte';
import SearchBar from './SearchBar.svelte';
autocomplete: true,