Generate training videos automatically in your CI pipeline
This package is the bread and butter, the grand project, the big shabang.
/slaps hood of npm module
You can automate an entire video presentation workflow with this bad boy.
To get started, install this package.
For npm, you can run
npm i @elmotron9000/elmotron9000
For yarn, you can run
yarn add @elmotron9000/elmotron9000
Some notable underlying components to the project:
: use basic string inputs for your presentation script, and generate WaveNet audio clips@elmotron9000/fmlpeg
: the plumbing for all things video, audio, photos, and subtitles
The main project:
can be used to describe interactions with a web application- anything you can do
in your browser can be done with elmotron9000. Narrate your presentation, call out web components visually,
record interactions, generate video, and add subtitles.
import { Elmo } from "@elmotron9000/elmotron9000";
const PRODUCT_NAME = "Dynatrace";
async function demo() {
const elmo = new Elmo({ videoFile: "./example.mp4", subtitles: true });
const dw = await elmo.startScene("https://www.dynatrace.com");
// Show an intro slide using `reveal.js` and start recording
await dw.showSlides(`
<div class="reveal">
<div class="slides">
<h1 style="font-size: 48px; position: absolute; left: -60px; top: 230px; color: white">
The ${PRODUCT_NAME} Website
await dw.waitForSelector(".reveal.ready");
await dw.startRecording();
// Narrate the video at anytime by saying anything - you can also use more advanced SSML
await dw.sleep(500);
await dw.say(`Today I will be showing you how to get started with a free trial for ${PRODUCT_NAME}`)
await dw.sleep(200);
await dw.say(`First, head to the ${PRODUCT_NAME} website`);
await dw.sleep(200);
await dw.hideSlides();
// Use content in the actual page for your script
const page = dw.page();
const startButtonSelector = "a.btn.btn--primary.btn--video";
const startButton = await page.$(startButtonSelector);
const startButtonText = await startButton.textContent();
await dw.showCallout(startButtonSelector);
await dw.say(`You can get started with Dynatrace today by clicking the ${startButtonText.trim()} button`);
await dw.moveTo(startButtonSelector);
await dw.hideCallout();
// Stops the recording and closes the browser
await dw.stop();
// Add outro video
await elmo.addScene({
type: "video",
filename: "./outro.mp4",
audio: [],
// Build the video presentation
await elmo.build();