A minimal and acceptable classless css framework with opinions about how tags like table and form should look on eliosin.
duck sit rank runt rollicks Nicola Milton
innocent is a minimal and acceptable classless css framework with opinions about how tags like table and form should look on eliosin.
god's first commandment is "style your own forms", because god is only interested in layout.
eve is a boilerplate to create a style from scratch.
bushido and sins (will) be fully developed style packs for eliosin.
innocent leaves you free to ignore the first commandment: "style your own forms"; balancing minimal attention with acceptable formatting.
@TODO This all lacks clarity. innocence should be a plug in, like eve and adon are plug ins. god should be a plug in. plug ins should respect eliosin's settings, adding settings only as a last resort. Many of god's settings should be moved to sin settings. This concept of a plug in to god should be clearer from the start.
@TODO Off the bat, create a sin app - and make this the where gods settings come from. eliosin's settings
yarn add @elioway/innocent --dev
npm install @elioway/innocent --save-dev
Seeing is Believing
git clone https://gitlab.com/eliosin/innocent.git
cd innocent
npm i|yarn