Sends users or members in roles DM notifications when Discord built-in AutoMod gets triggered
This package will DM (Direct Message) the members in the notify.role or notifications.role for the action on that server or user IDs in the notify.users or notifications.users arrays.
NOTE: This works along side Discord's built-in AutoMod system
Getting Started
NOTE: For this to work you need to have Block Message
option enabled in the Discord built-in AutoMod filter!
This package supports both discord.js v13 and v14
const { AutoModDMNotifications } = require("@elara-services/automod-dms");
const automod = new AutoModDMNotifications({
client, // Your discord.js Client
actions: [ // An array of actions for the bot to watch for.
enabled: true, // If this action should be enabled
guild_id: "12345678", // The server ID for this action only.
ignoreRules: [ // To ignore a certain AutoMod rule from being sent to notify/notification users
fetchAllMembers: true, // If you want the package to automatically fetch all members for the provided server ID (REQUIRES: 'GUILD_MEMBERS' intent)
notify: { // People in this option will get the user's message content or what got filtered.
enabled: true, // If the notify role/users should be notified
selectmenu: true, // If the "Moderation Actions" select menu should be sent in DMs to the notify.role members or notify.users people
role: "2134567", // The notify role ID, anyone in this role will get DM Notify Alerts
users: [ // The user IDs for anyone you want to get the DM Notify Alerts
notifications: { // People in this option will not get the user's message content or what got filtered.
enabled: true, // If the notifications role/users should be notified
selectmenu: true, // If the "Moderation Actions" select menu should be sent in DMs to the notifications.role members or notifications.users people
role: "2134567", // The notifications role ID, anyone in this role will get DM Notifications Alerts
users: [ // The user IDs for anyone you want to get the DM Notifications Alerts
client.once("ready", () => {
// This will start the automod process.