Standard Tooling for development in Elaniin
Elaniin CLI
Standard Tooling for development in Elaniin.
💿 Installation
yarn global add @elaniin/cli
# OR
npm install -g @elaniin/cli
🏁 Getting Started
🙈 Login into GitHub
To use the CLI you need to log in with your GitHub account.
elaniin login
🚀 Create a new project
When you start a new project use this command, it will save you 60 hours of enviroment. You do not need to have any other CLI installed. To know everything that is done consult the repository of each boilerplate.
elaniin new
elaniin new -p <presetName>
# OR
elaniin new --preset <presetName>
📦 Display presets
Display all available presets.
elaniin presets
🤷 Who am I?
Print the username config to login on GitHub.
elaniin whoami
🚪 Log out GitHub account
Remove stored GitHub credentials.
elaniin logout
🖖 Vue commands
🌐 Make API service
Creates a API service where all endpoints are magically imported for a CRUD.
elaniin make:service <service-name>
elaniin make:service UserService
🗃️ Make Vuex module
When you work with Vuex modules you need to create a specific structure. This command generates all the files for you, and if you want a CRUD then the types, services and all the pre-configured files will be created.
elaniin make:module [options] <module-name>
elaniin make:module profile
elaniin make:module --crud categories
📦 Make Vue component
Creates a basic structure of a Vue component.
elaniin make:component <component-name>
elaniin make:component SkeletonBox
🔨 Laravel commands
Coming soon.