Run .vbs script with Node
Node RunVbs
A simple package to run VBS scripts from NodeJs.
NPM link: @el3um4s/run-vbs
Install and use the package
To use the package in a project:
npm i @el3um4s/run-vbs
and then in a file:
import { runVbs, runVbsFile } from "@el3um4s/run-vbs";
const vbs = `Wscript.Echo "hello world"`;
const result = await runVbs({ vbs });
console.log(result); // hello world
const file = "./test.vbs";
const fromFile = await runVbsFile({ vbs: file });
console.log(fromFile); // hello world
API: runVbs
runVbs(data: { vbs: string; args?: string[]; }): Promise<string>
Run a VBS script and return the result.runVbsBuffer(data: { vbs: string; args?: string[]; }): Promise<string[]>
Run a VBS script and return the result as a buffer.
import { runVbs } from "@el3um4s/run-vbs";
const vbs = `
set args = Wscript.Arguments
Dim name, surname
Dim count
count = WScript.arguments.count
if count = 0 then
name = ""
surname = ""
Wscript.Echo "hello world"
end if
if count = 1 then
name = args(0)
surname = ""
Wscript.Echo "hello" & " " & name & "!"
end if
if count = 2 then
name = args(0)
surname = args(1)
Wscript.Echo "hello" & " " & name & " " & surname & "!"
end if
const result = await runVbs({
console.log(result); // hello world
const result2 = await runVbs({
args: ["John", "Doe"],
console.log(result2); // hello John Doe!
API: runVbsFile
runVbsFile(data: { vbs: string; args?: string[]; }): Promise<string>
Run a VBS script and return the result.runVbsFileBuffer(data: { vbs: string; args?: string[]; }): Promise<string[]>
Run a VBS script and return the result as a buffer.
import { runVbsFile } from "@el3um4s/run-vbs";
const result = await runVbsFile({
vbs: "./src/__tests__/test_no_output.vbs",
console.log(result); // hello world
const result2 = await runVbsFile({
vbs: "./src/__tests__/test_no_output.vbs",
args: ["John", "Doe"],
console.log(result2); // hello John Doe!
Known Issues
There can be issues when the file path has a space.
To create this package I was inspired by: