A class mixin for LitElement that adds helper methods for CSS classes
CSS Classify
This mixin makes it easy to generate long CSS class strings based on various props and conditionals within your Lit Element components.
npm install @eightshapes/css-classify --save
Wrap LitElement in Mixin:
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
import { CSSClassify } from '@eightshapes/css-classify';
class MyCard extends CSSClassify(LitElement) {
static get properties() {
return {
active: { type: Boolean },
heading: { type: String }
// Define a cssClassObject getter
get cssClassObject() {
return {
// If the value evaluates to true, the key will always be applied as a class
'my-card': true,
// If the value evaluates to false, the key will not be applied as a class
active: this.active,
// If all classes should have a prefix, specify it with a 'prefix' key
prefix: 'my-card', // will cause `active` to become `my-card--active`
// If interpolation is desired, pass an object as a value and define the class that should be applied
size: {
class: `size-${this.size}` // If this.size == 'small' this will generate `my-card--size-small`
// If a class should only be applied based on some other conditional than the value evaluating to true, pass the separate conditional as an object
size: {
class: `size-${this.size}`,
conditional: this.size, // Will only render when this.size is defined
// call this.getClassName() and the mixin will generate a valid CSS class name based on the cssClassObject()
render() {
<div class="${this.getClassName()}">
Use custom element:
<my-card heading="Test Card"></my-card>
<!-- Renders -->
<div class="my-card">
<h1>Test Card</h1>
<my-card heading="Test Card" active></my-card>
<!-- Renders -->
<div class="my-card active">
<h1>Test Card</h1>