Tools for develop fast and easy adonis apps
Tools for develop fast and easy adonis apps
Install and configure the package using the following command :
node ace add @eienjs/dev-tools
This library exports helper utility ResponseStatusText
corresponding text given a ResponseStatus
code. For example:
import { ResponseStatus } from '@adonisjs/core/http';
import { ResponseStatusText } from '@eienjs/dev-tools';
const statusAcceptedText = ResponseStatusText[ResponseStatus.Accepted];
console.info(statusAcceptedText); // Accepted
Japa Api Client Helpers
For testing add methods on assert client responses like a check status with corresponding ResponseStatus
import { test } from '@japa/runner';
test.group('Users list', () => {
test('get a list of users', async ({ client }) => {
const response = await client.get('/users');
// Next is equivalent to response.assertStatus(200);
data: [
id: 1,
email: '[email protected]',
Added assertMethods corresponding to ResponseStatus:
* Assert response status to match the expected status 100
assertContinue(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 101
assertSwitchingProtocols(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 102
assertProcessing(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 103
assertEarlyHints(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 200
assertOk(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 201
assertCreated(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 202
assertAccepted(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 203
assertNonAuthoritativeInformation(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 204
assertNoContent(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 205
assertResetContent(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 206
assertPartialContent(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 207
assertMultiStatus(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 208
assertAlreadyReported(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 226
assertIMUsed(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 300
assertMultipleChoices(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 301
assertMovedPermanently(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 302
assertFound(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 303
assertSeeOther(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 304
assertNotModified(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 305
assertUseProxy(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 307
assertTemporaryRedirect(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 308
assertPermanentRedirect(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 400
assertBadRequest(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 401
assertUnauthorized(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 402
assertPaymentRequired(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 403
assertForbidden(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 404
assertNotFound(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 405
assertMethodNotAllowed(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 406
assertNotAcceptable(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 407
assertProxyAuthenticationRequired(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 408
assertRequestTimeout(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 409
assertConflict(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 410
assertGone(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 411
assertLengthRequired(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 412
assertPreconditionFailed(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 413
assertPayloadTooLarge(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 414
assertURITooLong(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 415
assertUnsupportedMediaType(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 416
assertRangeNotSatisfiable(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 417
assertExpectationFailed(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 418
assertImATeapot(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 421
assertMisdirectedRequest(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 422
assertUnprocessableEntity(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 423
assertLocked(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 424
assertFailedDependency(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 425
assertTooEarly(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 426
assertUpgradeRequired(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 428
assertPreconditionRequired(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 429
assertTooManyRequests(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 431
assertRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 451
assertUnavailableForLegalReasons(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 500
assertInternalServerError(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 501
assertNotImplemented(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 502
assertBadGateway(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 503
assertServiceUnavailable(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 504
assertGatewayTimeout(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 505
assertHTTPVersionNotSupported(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 506
assertVariantAlsoNegotiates(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 507
assertInsufficientStorage(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 508
assertLoopDetected(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 510
assertNotExtended(): void;
* Assert response status to match the expected status 511
assertNetworkAuthenticationRequired(): void;
Response Helpers
Added three methods for follow standard jsend
more information on https://github.com/omniti-labs/jsend for api responses.
Small example of usage
import { type HttpContext } from '@adonisjs/core/http';
import User from '#models/user';
import { loginValidator } from '#validators/auth/login';
export default class LoginController {
public async handle({ request, response, auth }: HttpContext): Promise<void> {
const { email, password } = await request.validateUsing(loginValidator);
const user = await User.verifyCredentials(email, password);
await auth.use('web').login(user);
response.jsendSuccess({ auth: 'Sesión iniciada' });
* Send success response using jsend standard
jsendSuccess(result: unknown, httpCode?: number): void;
* Send fail response using jsend standard
jsendFail(errors: Record<string, unknown>, httpCode?: number): void;
* Send error response using jsend standard
message: string,
options?: { httpCode?: number; code?: string | number; errors?: unknown },
): void;
Request Helpers
Method helper on request wantsJSON()
check if current request includes json accept header.