- A simple framework to reuse some set of custom of features
- A simple framework to reuse some set of custom of features
Simplified React Context Integration This layer integrates the React Context (using Context Reducers) with Fetchs and Actions to simplify the flow of retrieving and storing data informing with status and states of every action and response
Custom Bootstrap React Components
- DateSelect A combo select that splits a simple date in 3 selects: one for the year, another for the month and the last for the day
Custom Bootstrap Form Validator (React Hook) The validator manages the state of the fields applying rules or validators on the fields in real time. The rules can be fully customized and expanded
- ContainsToFieldRule
- CpfRule
- DateRule
- EmailRule
- EqualToFieldRule
- ExactRule
- MaxRule
- MinMaxRule
- MinRule
- PhoneRule
- RegExpRule
- RequiredRule
Custom Network Fetch Api Integration Abstraction of the fetch browser to translate the methods in functions
Custom Api Functions Utility functions to serialize and transform the use of Network Fetch Integration to be configured with a JSON style object
Custom Authorizer A customized authorizer to be reusable with all the platforms. Also has a set of utility functions to further expand the use of the Custom Api Functions
- Authorizer React Component
- UseAuthorizer React Hook
Custom Utility Functions A set of reusable functions to fast development