'postMessage' based communication library.
If you are familiar with socket.io
, you already know how to use this package.
is based on WebSocket.
is based on postMessage.
npm install --save @ee-fe/ee-msgio
<script src="http://<path to ee-msgio>/umd/ee-msgio.min.js"></script>
console.log(window.EEMsgIO); // IframeHost, Guest
// For detail usage, see below...
In your Main App
import {IframeHost} from 'msgio';
const iframe = document.getElementById('my-iframe');
const onLoad = e => {
const io = new IframeHost(e.target);
io.on('connect', socket => {
// listening some events from the guest
socket.on('my_custom_event', data => {
// data: {x: 1, y: 2}
// any code
// emit events to the guest
socket.emit('greeting', 'hello world!');
// expose functions to the guest
socket.function('my_sync_fn', (a1, a2, ...rest) => {
// a1: 1
// a2: 2
// rest: 3, 4, 5
// any code
// you can throw as usual!
// you can expose aysnc functions too.
socket.function('my_async_fn', (a1, a2, ...rest) => {
// a1: 'a'
// a2: 'b'
// rest: 'c', 'd', 'e'
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// any code
// call some functions the guest provides.
socket.call('hi', 'guest', '!')
.then(result => {
// as you call the 'hi' function with args 'guest' and '!'
// the resule may be 'hello host!', who knows!
// any code
.catch(error => {
// the guest may throw error to you
iframe.addEventListener('load', onLoad);
In your Iframe
import {Guest} from 'msgio';
// You must provide the host's origin. It's all.
const io = new Guest({host: 'http://localhost:8080'});
// Like in your main app
io.on('connect', socket => {
// the host will use this to set the <iframe>'s width and height.
io.resize({width: 400, height: 600});
// listening some events from the host
socket.on('greeting', data => {
// data: 'hello world!'
// any code
// emit events to the guest
socket.emit('my_custom_event', {x: 1, y: 2});
// call functions from the host.
socket.call('my_sync_fn', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
.then(result => {
// any code
.catch(error => {
// catch the error
socket.call('my_async_fn', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
.then(result => {
// any code
.catch(error => {
// catch the error
socket.function('hi', (a1, a2, a3) => {
// a1: 'guest'
// a2: '!'
// a3: undefined
// any code
// return 'hello host!'
Not implemented yet!
Web Worker
Not implemented yet!
new Iframe(dom: HTMLElement) => Host
The dom provied must be a iframe node.
new Guest(options: Object) => Guest
host: string
Provides the origin. eg: http://example.com:8080
Host API
on: ('connect', callback: Function) => void
callback: (socket: Socket) => void
Guest API
on: ('connect', callback: Function) => void
callback: (socket: Socket) => void
resize: (size: {width: number, height: number}) => void;
Socket API
on: (event: string, callback: Function) => void
calback: (payload: string | number | boolean | Array | Object) => void
emit: (event: string, payload: string | number | boolean | Array | Object) => void
function: (functionName: string, callback: Function) => void
calback: (payload: string | number | boolean | Array | Object) => void