Foundational bootstrapping code for Open edX micro-frontend applications.
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Foundational application management code for Open edX micro-frontend applications.
provides Open edX micro-frontends with:
- A standardized, yet customizable application initialization process.
- Lifecycle event subscriptions for startup sequence extension.
- Convenient access to environment configuration and application state data.
- A React-based application data provider.
- High-level logging of events and errors to promote observability.
- Fallback error handling.
With respect to the initialization process, frontend-base
manage the vast majority of what we expect all Open edX micro-frontends
to have by default, namely:
- Environment configuration
- Authentication / access to an authenticated API client
- Analytics
- Logging
- Internationalization
Running the example app and test suite
This repo has an example app that demonstrates basic usage of the library.
npm install # do this once npm start # starts the dev server
Visit http://localhost:8080/ <http://localhost:8080/>
__ in your
The jest test suite can be run with:
npm test
Getting Started
Initialization is managed via the App
The simplest initialization sequence looks like this:
import { App, APP_READY } from '@edx/frontend-base';
import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld'; // Your application component
App.subscribe(APP_READY, () => { ReactDOM.render( ) });
This initialization sequence will do the following:
- Read in expected environment configuration variables and validate
that they're not
- Configure NewRelicLoggingService for @edx/frontend-logging.
- Verify that the user is logged in and authenticated, with a current JWT token.
- Redirect the user to login if they're not authenticated.
- Initialize i18n without any messages.
- Configure analytics with Segment.
Error handling
If an error occurs during the initialization sequence, the application
will go into an error state and log the error to the logging service.
You can hook into this state by subscribing to the ``APP_ERROR`` event.
For convenience, ``frontend-base`` provides a simple ``<ErrorPage>``
component that can be used to display errors to the user of the app as a
fallback error experience. This experience can be used as-is (shown
below), or replaced with your own error page experience.
App.subscribe(APP_ERROR, (error) => {
ReactDOM.render(<ErrorPage />, document.getElementById('root'));
Error handling after initialization (in React)
It's recommended that in React applications you use error
boundaries <https://reactjs.org/docs/error-boundaries.html>
__ to catch
run-time errors in your React components.
provides an error boundary component which displays
in the event of an uncaught error in React. If you use
then you'll get this behavior for free.
If you need a custom error page, you can add your own error boundary
inside <AppProvider>
and the fallback handling will effectively be
ignored (since errors won't bubble up to it anymore).
Foundational React Components
``frontend-base`` also provides several companion React components which
pair with the App singleton to help bootstrap your React application.
Please see the API documentation for ``<AppProvider>`` and
``<AppContext>`` specifically; they're an important part of the
frontend-base ecosystem.
Additional Resources
- `API
Reference <https://github.com/edx/frontend-base/blob/master/docs/API.rst>`__
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.. |Codecov| image:: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/edx/frontend-base
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:target: https://github.com/edx/frontend-base/blob/master/LICENSE
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