Simple form validity checker
Simple, but flexible and configurable form validity checker.
Written in Vanilla JavaScript, doesn't require jQuery
Zero runtime dependencies
Compatible with Bootstrap CSS framework
Very small footprint - less than 8k, less than 3k gzipped
Building formalizer
Build from source
$ git clone [email protected]:edkirin/formalizer.git
$ cd formalizer
$ npm install
$ npm run build
Install from npm
$ npm install @edkirin/formalizer
Basic usage
import { Formalizer } from "@edkirin/formalizer";
const formalizer = new Formalizer({
form: document.querySelector('#myform'),
language: 'en',
errorReporting: 'element',
validateOn: 'submit',
handleSubmitButton: true
Constructor options
Options are set when formalizer object is created.
import { Formalizer } from "@edkirin/formalizer";
const formalizer = new Formalizer(options);
options.form : DOM element
Form element which will be handled by Formalizer. It could be provided by:
options.form = document.querySelector('#myform');
or using jQuery:
options.form = $('#myform')[0];
options.invalidClass : string
CSS class which will be applied to input field which fails to validate.
default: is-invalid
options.validClass : string
CSS class which will be applied to input field which validates correctly.
default: is-valid
options.focusOnError : bool
If true, first invalid input field will be focused on validation error.
default: true
options.onValidate : callback
Optional callback which is called after form validation occurs. Callback function is called with following parameters as object:
params.formalizer: Formalizer object, as sender
params.form: current form
params.isValid: represents actual form validity
Callback function is optional.
default: null
options.onInvalidElement : callback
Optional callback which is called after input element is detected as invalid. Callback function is called with following parameters as object:
params.formalizer: Formalizer object, as sender
params.form: current form
params.errMessage: error message with which validation failed
Callback function is optional.
default: null
options.language : string
Language code for error messages. For supported languages check src/i18n directory.
options.errorReporting : string
Defines how validation errors appear. Possible values are:
- none - No error messages are reported, just CSS classes are set on elements
- hint - Title hint on input field with error message is set.
- element - DOM element with error message is created after input field.
default: element
options.errorTemplate : string
HTML template template which will be used for creating DOM element when options.errorReporting option is set to element. Example:
options.errorTemplate = '<small class="form-text text-danger" id="%id">%message</small>';
Template must contain two template fields which will be in the run time substituted with actual values:
- %id
- %message
You don't need to set values for those fields, just provide their places in your template.
default: template above
options.validateOn : string
This option defines when validation function is triggered. Possible values are:
- manual
- submit
- input
- focus
Form validation is triggered manually, by calling Formalizer method:
Form validation is triggered uppon the form submit. If form contains errors, submit is cancelled.
Form validation is triggered when key is pressed.
Form validation is triggered when input fields focus is changed.
options.handleSubmitButton : bool
If option is set to true, Formalizer will take control over form submit button and set his enabled state according to validation result.
Note: It's not possible to use this option in conjunction with options.validateOn = 'submit'. If this is the case, validateOn will fallback to input.
default: false
Manually triggers form validity check, regardless of validateOn option.
const formalizer = new window.formalizer.Formalizer({
Resets form and sets all elements to unvalidated state.
raiseError(element, errorMessage)
Method manually raises error on element with provided error message.
"Email address already exists!"
Formalizer will perform validation checks on:
- input fields of type text, password, number and email
- textarea
Check if value is entered
To set field as required, use required attribute on input field.
<input type="text" name="myfield" required>
Used on:
- input fields
- textarea fields
Check length of entered text
To check length, use minlength and/or maxlength attributes on input field.
<input type="text" name="myfield" minlength="5" maxlength="10">
Used on:
- input fields
- textarea fields
Check if value is valid email
Every email input field will be automatically test for email format validity.
Used on:
- input fields of type email
Check if number is valid
Input fields of type number will be validated for number validity. Optionally, min and max values can be also validated.
<input type="number" name="myfield1" min="0" max="100">
<input type="number" name="myfield2" min="5">
Check if two fields are equal
To ensure user entered exact value in two fields, use data-validate-equalto attribute and set value to other field id.
<input type="password" id="password1" data-validate-equalto="#password2">
<input type="password" id="password2" data-validate-equalto="#password1">
Preventing validation on certain fields
To prevent validation on certain fields, use data-validate="off".
<input type="text" name="myfield" data-validate="off">
Change log
- Added manual raising error with raiseError() method.
- Added equal-to validator.
- Initial version.
The code is available under MIT Licence.