## Usage
BTime V2 Migration
:books: Table of Contents
NPM Repository
$ npm i -S @btime/migration
GitHub Repository
$ npm i -S github:Btime/btime-migration
Copy the enviroment file to your project root and configure it
$ cp ./{PACKAGE_ROOT}/.env.dist {PROJECT_ROOT}/.env
:bulb: TIP Both migrate and rollback allows for the specification of a custom env file,
through the --env
To facilitate the use of this CLI tool, you might install it globally or map its commands to the package.json scripts, as follows:
"scripts": {
"generate": "./node_modules/.bin/generate",
"migrate": "./node_modules/.bin/migrate",
"rollback": "./node_modules/.bin/rollback"
:information_source: IMPORTANT Don't forget that the mapping above requires you to invoke such scripts as npm run <script>. More on NPM scripts.
Generating a migration
$ generate -t sql
Example output: Generated new migration file: /home/user/projects/btime-migration/migrations/Version20181002114415382.js
All run migrations get versioned, based on it's name - which reflects a unique timestamp. That's the version used when rolling back the migration.
By default, migration files are created at ./migrations
(project root). You can specify a custom directory by utilizing the --workdir
$ generate -t sql --workdir ./custom-mirations-dir
The generate, migrate and rollback commands support a custom directory to be specified.
:information_source: IMPORTANT The directory must exist in order to be used.
Running migrations
$ migrate
The above command will run (up) all migration files, considering default options (flags).
Hitting multiple databases
The migration process might target multiple databases through the "--multiple"
$ migrate --multiple
:information_source: IMPORTANT Environment variables prefixed with "MULTIPLE_" are used in order to find target databases.
Rolling back migrations
$ rollback --version [version]
The above command will run (down) the specified migration, considering default options (flags).
Just like the migrate command, you can make use of the --multiple
flag and target multiple databases:
$ rollback --version [version] --multiple
All commands come with a --help
flag, which displays useful information about it's usage options.
Pushing versions - SemVer
All pushes must come with a new tag. The tag usage must consider semantic versions.
[major version: incompatible changes].[minor version: compatible with major].[patch version: bug fixes]
Before pushing each version, type:
- For patch changes:
npm version patch
- For minor changes:
npm version minor
- For major changes:
npm version major
The version set must also be set in package.json
file, at version
Tests are run using Mocha and Chai. Coverage is provided by Istanbul CLI.
Run test suite (coverage included)
$ npm test
To scan the code base and "auto-fix" all that violates the defined lint rules, run:
$ npm run fixStyle