Hook for san-devtool.
Hook for San. Append a __san_devtool__
namespace on global context contains
components and stores raw data.
- Add autohook in page URL: http://xxx/?autohook
- Add autohook in script URL:
<script src="http://xxx/hook.js?autohook"></script>
import {initHook} from '@ecomfe/san-devhook';
const config = {
hookOnly: true, // Do not send any message to content script (Only for extension).
subKey: 'treeData', // Key for the array of sub component tree.
prefixForBindingData: 'my', // Auto bing data and props using specified prefix.
conditions: [{
listeners: ['onAfterGenerateData', e => { }],
event: eventName,
target: targetDOM // All listeners will be disabled (do not execute) until the event
}], // binding on the target is triggered.
onGenerateData: (
message, cnode, parentId, component) => {}, // Append customized data for generating component tree.
onAfterGenerateData: (message, cnode, parentId, component) => {},
onBeforeListenSan: () => {}, // Do something before a San event.
onSanMessage: (
message, cnode, parentId, component) => {}, // Procedure when a San event triggering.
onAfterListenSan: () => {}, // Procedure after a San event.
onBeforeListenStore: () => {}, // Procedure before a san-store event.
onStoreMessage: () => {}, // Procedure when a san-store event triggering.
onAfterListenStore: () => {}, // Procedure after a san-store event.
onRetrieveData: tree => {}, // Retrieve root CNode after calling retrieveData().
onRootReady: (cnode, component) => {} // Emit when root component is ready.
onSan: sender => {} // Emit when San is initialized.
// The last argument called *config* is the configuration of san-devhook in all callbacks.
In Console
- san: A San object including version info, Component class etc.
- _config: User configuration. Please see the section above.
- initHook: initHook function. Please see the section above.
- data: Whole component tree.
- history: San event history.
- store: Mutation records and stores for san-store.
- routes: Route info for san-router.
- getData(): Return
synchronously. - retrieveData(): Emit onRetrieveData.
- showTree(): Display the component tree.
Objects binding on DOM
: The component instance of current DOM object.__SAN_DATA__
: The component data.__SAN_PROPS__
: The component props.__SAN_CNODE__
: A CNode instance of component acts as a serializable object.__SAN_PATH__
: Ancestor component ID list.showTree()
: Display the component tree under current DOM object.
More instructions refer to docs folder.
Run extension test
$ npm run chrome
And open a page using San.
Run browser test
$ npm run browser