NPM Module for Environment Config Load
NPM Module for Environment Config Load
Use a default configuration file, and overwrite it with an environment specific configuration file.
This use Lodash _.mergeWith() function, however arrays are not merged but replaced.
Tested on Node.js 8+
Requires ES6 compatibility
npm install @ecocea/config-loader --save
//Path of the directory containing global and environments configurations
const configPath = path.join(__dirname, './config');
//Environment config that should be loaded
const env = process.env.environment;
//Retrieve the merge configuration of global and specified environment
const config = require('@ecocea/config-loader')(configPath, env);
Other calls
const config = require('@ecocea/config-loader');
Config load and Customization
The script expect a file named config.js in the configPath, and every environment config file should be named config_{env}.js You can customize the configuration file name, and the separator between filename and environment:
const configPath = path.join(__dirname, './config');
const env = process.env.environment;
const configName = "properties";
const configSeparator = "-";
//First call
const config = require('@ecocea/config-loader')(configPath, env, configName, configSeparator);
Tips for Heroku
Avoid using too much Heroku Config Vars. If you want the ability to quickly override a config var without deploying, you can do:
const myConfigVar = process.env.MY_CONFIG_VAR || 'ThisIsMyConfigVar';
Migrating from 0.x.x to 1.x.x
At first call, remove the init method
For other calls, remove all .getConfig()