DTOs for gsharim system
Data Models NPM Package 🌉
DTOs package for gsharim system, backend & frontend!
Run the following command:
npm install @eco8200/data-models
For each update of the codebase, you should open a new branch containing one of the following prefixes:
- major-*
- minor-*
- patch-*
This is critical for our CI/CD automations. Choose the prefix that best fits your changes:
- major - for big updates (like new DTOs for a new feature, API breaks, large bug fixes)
- minor - for small updates (for example, new optional fields in a specific DTO)
- patch - for bugfixes (fixing a DTO that doesn't fit the current scheme/usage, typos in field names and so on)
All the branches should be checked out from dev only! After merging to dev, the automation will automatically create a PR to the master branch. Only after this PR will be merge then the package will be published in it's stable form.
Documentation Reference
Find the scheme plannings in this draw.io diagram :)