This repository is deprecated and not actual anymore. The code has been moved to https://github.com/eclipse/che-theia/tree/master/plugins/factory-plugin
This repository is deprecated and not actual anymore. The code has been moved to https://github.com/eclipse/che-theia/tree/master/plugins/factory-plugin
Che Theia factory
This Theia plug-in is performing additional actions while creating/starting a Che workspace through a factory URL. Provides basic factory client side clone feature
- retrieving the factory-id from the URL
- requesting Che factory API to get the factory definition
From the factory definition:
- cloning projects defined in the factory definition
- checking out the right branch if needed
- executing post loading actions such as running CHE commands/tasks or openning a specific file.
Testing this extension
Setting up [deprecated: https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/11632]
Clone eclipse/che.
$ git clone https://github.com/eclipse/che.git $ cd che/dockerfiles/theia
.{ "name": "@eclipse-che/theia-task-extension", "source": "https://github.com/eclipse/che-theia-task-plugin.git", "folder": "che-theia-task-extension", "checkoutTo": "master", "type": "git" },
Build the needed "mydockerorg/che-theia:nightly" image with using build script
$ ./build.sh --organization:mydockerorg
Push "mydockerorg/che-theia:nightly" image into your repo or use it locally.
The following mount should be set in the che.env file: CHE_WORKSPACE_VOLUME=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock; Change and restart CHE if it wasn't.
Create a new factory from this factory.json file as a working example. Change "mydockerorg/che-theia:nightly" image to your own from steps 3 and 4.
{ "v":"4.0", "name":"theiadev_factory", "workspace":{ "environments":{ "default":{ "machines":{ "theia":{ "attributes":{}, "servers":{ "theia":{ "attributes":{ "type":"ide" }, "port":"3000", "protocol":"http" }, "theia-dev":{ "attributes":{ "type":"ide-dev" }, "port":"3030", "protocol":"http" } }, "volumes":{ "projects":{ "path":"/projects" }, "theia":{ "path":"/home/theia" } }, "installers":[], "env":{} }, "machine-exec":{ "attributes":{ "memoryLimitBytes":"2684354560" }, "servers":{ "terminal-exec":{ "attributes":{ "type":"terminal" }, "port":"4444", "protocol":"ws" } }, "volumes":{}, "installers":[], "env":{} }, "dev-machine":{ "attributes":{}, "servers":{ "theia-dev":{ "attributes":{}, "port":"3030", "protocol":"http" } }, "volumes":{ "projects":{ "path":"/projects" } }, "installers":[], "env":{} } }, "recipe":{ "type":"compose", "content":"services:\n machine-exec:\n image: eclipse/che-machine-exec:latest\n theia:\n image: mydockerorg/che-theia:nightly\n mem_limit: 1073741824\n dev-machine:\n image: eclipse/che-dev:nightly\n mem_limit: 2147483648\n depends_on:\n - theia", "contentType":"application/x-yaml" } } }, "defaultEnv":"default", "projects":[ { "links":[], "name":"che-theia-factory", "attributes":{}, "type":"typescript", "source":{ "location":"https://github.com/eclipse/che-theia-factory-extension.git", "type":"git", "parameters":{ "branch":"master" } }, "path":"/che-theia-factory", "problems":[], "mixins":[] } ], "name":"theiadev_factory", "attributes":{}, "commands":[ { "commandLine":"cd /projects/che-theia-factory/\nyarn\nyarn rebuild:browser\ncd /projects/che-theia-factory/browser-app\nmkdir -p /projects/theiadev_projects\nexport CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT=/projects/theiadev_projects\nyarn start /projects/theiadev_projects --hostname= --port=3030", "name":"yarn start", "attributes":{ "machineName":"theia", "previewUrl":"${server.theia-dev}", "goal":"Build" }, "type":"custom" }, { "commandLine":"cd /projects/che-theia-factory/che-theia-factory\nyarn watch", "name":"yarn watch", "attributes":{ "goal":"Build", "machineName":"theia" }, "type":"custom" }, { "commandLine":"cd /projects/che-theia-factory/browser-app;\nyarn watch", "name":"yarn watch browserapp", "attributes":{ "goal":"Build", "machineName":"theia" }, "type":"custom" } ], "links":[] }, "ide":{ "onProjectsLoaded":{ "actions":[ { "properties":{ "file":"/che-theia-factory/README.md" }, "id":"openFile" }, { "properties":{ "name":"yarn start" }, "id":"runCommand" } ] } } }
Test the factory extension. [deprecated: See https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/11632]
When opening the previous factory we expect that it would:
- Create a new workspace and launch Theia
- Clone the https://github.com/eclipse/che-theia-factory-extension.git project
- Open the file README.md of the cloned project.
- Configure few commands to build and run
- Run the command (task) that build and run another Theia instance with the cloned factory project. The user should see the output of the command.
- Be able to access to the "under development" Theia application. Through the preview URL.