ECL-Twig Gallery
ECL-Twig Gallery
npm package: @ecl-twig/ec-component-gallery
npm install --save @ecl-twig/ec-component-gallery
- "overlay" (object) (default: {})
- "close" (object) (default: {}): object of type button
- "previous" (object) (default: {}): object of type button
- "next" (object) (default: {}): object of type button
- "counter_separator" (string) (default: '')
- "download" (object) (default: {}): object of type link
- "share" (object) (default: {}): object of type link
- "items" (array) (default: [])
- "path" (string) (default: '')
- "alt" (string) (default: '')
- "description" (string) (default: '')
- "meta" (string) (default: '')
- "icon" (object) (default: {}): object of type icon
- "image" (optional) (object) (default: {})
- "video" (optional) (object) (default: {})
- "embedded_video" (optional) (object) (default: {})
- "share_path" (optional) (string) (default: '')
- "footer" (object) (default: {}) Footer link
- "view_all_label" (string) (default: '') Label of the view all button
- "counter_label" (string) (default: '') Label of the counter
- "selected_item_id" (int) (default: 0)
- "extra_classes" (optional) (string) (default: '') Extra classes (space separated)
- "extra_attributes" (optional) (array) (default: []) Extra attributes
- "name" (string) Attribute name, eg. 'data-test'
- "value" (string) Attribute value, eg: 'data-test-1'
- "_compliance_" (boolean) (default: false) Activates debug
Example :
{% include '@ecl-twig/ec-component-gallery/ecl-gallery.html.twig' with {
view_all_label: 'View all',
counter_label: 'Media files in this gallery' ,
items: [
path: 'path/to/image.jpg',
alt: 'Image 1',
'The EU in brief, institutions and bodies, countries, symbols, history, facts and figures',
meta: 'Copyright, Author, Licence for image 1',
share_href: '/share#example-image.jpg',
path: 'path/to/image2.jpg',
alt: 'Image 2',
description: 'Living, working, travelling in the EU',
meta: 'Copyright, Author, Licence for image 2',
icon: {
path: 'path/to/icons.svg',
type: 'general',
name: 'audio',
share_href: '/share#example-image2.jpg',
footer: {
link: {
label: "Link to further media items",
path: "/example",
aria_label: "View all link aria-label value"
icon: {
path: "/icons.svg",
type: "ui",
name: "external",
size: "s"
overlay: {
close: {
variant: 'ghost',
label: 'Close',
icon: {
path: 'path/to/icons.svg',
type: 'ui',
name: 'close',
size: 's',
previous: {
variant: 'ghost',
label: 'Previous',
icon: {
path: 'path/to/icons.svg',
type: 'ui',
name: 'corner-arrow',
transform: 'rotate-270',
size: 'l',
icon_position: 'before',
next: {
variant: 'ghost',
label: 'Next',
icon: {
path: 'path/to/icons.svg',
type: 'ui',
name: 'corner-arrow',
transform: 'rotate-90',
size: 'l',
counter_separator: 'of',
download: {
label: 'Download',
icon: {
path: 'path/to/icons.svg',
type: 'ui',
name: 'download',
size: 'fluid',
share: {
label: 'Share',
icon: {
path: 'path/to/icons.svg',
type: 'general',
name: 'share',
size: 'fluid',
} %}