Simple JS Application Library - Sapa
sapa is a library that creates a UI with a simple event system.
Basic concept
sapa helps you to create applications naturally in html without compiling.
- No compile
- No virtual dom
- Simple DOM event system
- Support Typescript
npm install @easylogic/sapa
How to use in es6
import {App, UIElement, SUBSCRIBE, CLICK} from '@easylogic/sapa'
How to use in browser
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@easylogic/[email protected]/dist/sapa.umd.js'></script>
<script type='text/javacript'>
const {App, CLICK, SUBSCRIBE, UIElement} = sapa; // or window.sapa
View examples
npm run dev
open localhost:8080/examples/first.html
Core System Design
Start a application
import {start, UIElement} from '@easylogic/sapa';
class SampleElement extends UIElement { }
start(SampleElement, {
container: document.getElementById('sample') // default value is document.body
The start
method defines the point in time of the first run. Apply the template to the location specified by container.
DOM Based Class System
class MyElement extends UIElement {
template () {
return `<div>my element</div>`
Use the template ()
method to specify the actual HTML string for MyElement.
A UIElement can be contained in other UIElement.
class SecondElement extends UIElement {
components () {
return { MyElement }
template () {
return `
<object refClass='MyElement' />
It creates MyElement internally when SecondElement is created. At this time, the parent property of MyElement becomes the instance of SecondElement.
register component
You can register global components using registElement .
class GlobalElement extends UIElement { }
class Test extends UIElement {
template() {
return `
<object refClass='GlobalElement'></object>
add component alias
class GlobalElement extends UIElement { }
registAlias('global-element', GlobalElement)
class Test extends UIElement {
template() {
return `
<object refClass='global-element'></object>
To create an instance of a newly defined Element, use the refClass
<object refClass="MyElement" />
Using the tag object has no special meaning and is used only as a name meaning creating an object.
It is free to define it in the form below.
<span refClass="MyElement" />
createComponent function
You can create object tags more easily by using the createComponent function.
createComponent('GlobalElement', {ref: '$globalElement'})
==> // output
<object refClass="GlobalElement" ref="$globalElement" ></object>
class Test extends UIElement {
template() {
return `
${createComponent('GlobalElement', {
ref: '$globalElement'
Pass props
sapa can create props as it is to create html.
class SecondElement extends UIElement {
components () {
return { MyElement }
template () {
return `
<object refClass='MyElement' title="my element title" />
Passing variables as props
sapa uses html strings.
So, when passing a certain variable as props, it must be converted into a string.
In this case, it provides a way to keep the reference as it is without converting the variable to a string.
class SecondElement extends UIElement {
components () {
return { MyElement }
template () {
return `
<object refClass='MyElement' title=${variable({
title: 'my element title'
})} />
You can also pass props object.
class SecondElement extends UIElement {
components () {
return { MyElement }
template () {
return `
<object refClass='MyElement' ${variable({
title: 'my element title',
description: 'my element description'
Using props
It can be used by referencing the value of props through this.props
class MyElement extends UIElement {
template () {
const titleObject = this.props.title;
return `
Local State
UIElement provides a state that is simple to use.
class MyElement extends UIElement {
// initialize local state
initState() {
return {
title: this.props.title
template () {
const {title} = this.state;
return `
Access DOM
Use this.$el
$el is jQuery-liked DOM wrapper object.
class Test extends UIElement {
template () { return '<div class="test-item"></div>' }
[CLICK()] () {
if (this.$el.hasClass('test-item')) {
console.log('this element has .test-item')
When the DOM is created, the DOM with the ref attribute is managed as a variable that can be used in advance.
template () {
return `<div><span ref='$text'></span></div>`
[CLICK('$text')] (e) {
You can apply CLICK events to the $text
DOM object.
can define the part that changed frequently.
template () {
return `
<div ref='$list'></div>
[LOAD('$list')] () {
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
return arr.map(value => `<div class='item'>${value}</div>`)
refresh( ) {
local load
The load function can also specify directly within the template.
template () {
return `
<div ref='$list' load=${variable(() => {
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
return arr.map(value => `<div class='item'>${value}</div>`)
support async function
async [LOAD('$list')] () {
return await api.get('xxxx').data;
are used to change the attributes and style of a particular element. That is, it does not create the DOM itself.
template () {
return `
<div ref='$list'></div>
[BIND('$list')] () {
return {
'data-length': arr.length,
style: {
overflow: 'hidden'
cssText: `
background-color: yellow;
color: white;
background-image: linear-gradient('xxxx')
html: "<div></div>",
innerHTML: "<div></div>",
text: "blackblack",
textContent: "redred",
class: {
"is-selected": true,
"is-focused": false,
class : [ 'className', 'className' ],
class : 'string-class',
htmlDiff: '<div><span></span></div>',
svgDiff: '<g><rect /><circle /></g>',
value: "input text",
refresh( ) {
The final output after BIND
is as follows.
<div ref='$list' data-value='0' style='overflow:hidden'></div>
local bind
The bind function can also specify directly within the template.
template () {
return `
<div ref='$list' bind=${variable(() => {
color: 'white'
Run separately
and BIND
can be executed separately.
Life Cycle
sapa has a life cycle.
UIElement ->
initialize() ->
render ->
parseComponent() ->
create child component ->
| Method | Override | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| created | O | When the UIElement is created |
| initialize | O | It is the same as created
but it is used when creating initial data. |
| initState | O | Methods to initialize state |
| template | O | Generate html at render time |
| afterRender | O | When the DOM is applied to the actual browser, the element can be accessed from outside |
Method Based DOM Event Handler
sapa sets the DOM Event in a unique way. sapa take full advantage of the fact that javascript's methods are strings.
class Test extends UIElement {
template() {
return '<div>Text</div>'
[CLICK()] (e) {
is basically the same as CLICK('$el')
. Sets $el
's click event automatically.
method internally creates a string. The final result is shown below.
'click $el' (e) {
// console.log(e);
Support DOM Event List
CLICK = "click"
DOUBLECLICK = "dblclick"
MOUSEDOWN = "mousedown"
MOUSEUP = "mouseup"
MOUSEMOVE = "mousemove"
MOUSEOVER = "mouseover"
MOUSEOUT = "mouseout"
MOUSEENTER = "mouseenter"
MOUSELEAVE = "mouseleave"
TOUCHSTART = "touchstart"
TOUCHMOVE = "touchmove"
TOUCHEND = "touchend"
KEYDOWN = "keydown"
KEYUP = "keyup"
KEYPRESS = "keypress"
DRAG = "drag"
DRAGSTART = "dragstart"
DROP = "drop"
DRAGOVER = "dragover"
DRAGENTER = "dragenter"
DRAGLEAVE = "dragleave"
DRAGEXIT = "dragexit"
DRAGOUT = "dragout"
DRAGEND = "dragend"
CONTEXTMENU = "contextmenu"
CHANGE = "change"
INPUT = "input"
FOCUS = "focus"
FOCUSIN = "focusin"
FOCUSOUT = "focusout"
BLUR = "blur"
PASTE = "paste"
RESIZE = "resize"
SCROLL = "scroll"
SUBMIT = "submit"
POINTERSTART = "mousedown", "touchstart"
POINTERMOVE = "mousemove", "touchmove"
POINTEREND = "mouseup", "touchend"
CHANGEINPUT = "change", "input"
WHEEL = "wheel", "mousewheel", "DOMMouseScroll"
You can define any additional events you need. Common DOM events are defined.
You can set several DOM events at the same time.
POINTERSTART is a defined name. Two events are actually specified, namely `mousedown` and `touchstart`.
DOM events can have some special elements other than $ el.
When the DOM is created, the DOM with the ref attribute is managed as a variable that can be used in advance.
template () {
return `<div><span ref='$text'></span></div>`
[CLICK('$text')] (e) { }
You can apply CLICK events to the $text
DOM object.
window, document
Global objects such as window and document can also apply events to their methods.
[RESIZE('window')] (e) { }
[POINTERSTART('document')] (e) { }
Applying events to individual DOMs may be bad for performance. In that case, use delegate to handle it.
template () {
return `
<div class='list' ref='$list'>
<div class='item'>Item</div>
[CLICK('$list .item')] (e) {
// this method will run after .item element is clicked
This is also possible the css selector.
[CLICK('$list .item:not(.selected)')] (e) {
// do event
You can run the method only when you click on the .item
that is not applied to the .selected
points to the element where the actual event occurred.
DOM events can have several PIPE functions.
PIPE is a concept that combines predefined functions in an event.
The event will only work when Alt key is pressed.
[CLICK() + ALT] (e) {
// when alt key is pressed
In addition to ALT, you can use default key combinations such as CTRL, SHIFT, and META.
PIPE can be connected with +
[CLICK() + ALT + CTRL] (e) {
// when alt and control key are pressed
when checkTarget's result is true, this method is run
checkTarget(e) {
if (e.target.nodeType != 3) return false;
return true;
[CLICK() + IF('checkTarget')] (e) {}
check LeftMouseButton or RightMouseButton
[CLICK() + LEFT_BUTTON] (e) {}
Some PIPEs can also use actual methods in other ways. A typical example is DEBOUNCE.
[RESIZE('window') + DEBOUNCE(100)] (e) {}
TROTTLE is also available.
[SCROLL('document') + TROTTLE(100)] (e) {}
Method Based Messaging System
sapa has a simple event system for sending messages between objects.
This also uses method
string, just like specifying a DOM event.
SUBSCRIBE allows you to receive emit messages from elsewhere.
Provides a callback to send and receive messages even if they are not connected.
class A extends UIElement {
[SUBSCRIBE('setLocale')] (locale) {
class B extends UIElement {
template () {
return `<button type="button">Click</button>`
[CLICK()] () {
this.emit('setLocale', 'ko')
components : {
A, B
template : `
<A />
<B />
is a method that delivers a message to an object other than itself.
[CLICK()] () {
this.emit('setLocale', 'ko')
why does not it send to its element?
The reason for not sending to itself is that there is a possibility that the event can run infinitely. Once I send the message, I can not come back to me.
multiple SUBSCRIBE
SUBSCRIBE can define several at the same time.
[SUBSCRIBE('a', 'b', 'c')] () {
// this.emit('a')
// this.emit('b')
// this.emit('c')
You can also slow down the execution time of a message.
[SUBSCRIBE('a') + DEBOUNCE(100)] () {
You can also slow down the execution time of a message.
[SUBSCRIBE('a') + THROTTLE(100)] () {
You can run subscribe function by requestAnimationFrame.
class A extends UIElement {
[SUBSCRIBE('animationStart') + FRAME] () {
console.log('Aanimation is started.');
class A extends UIElement {
checkShow(locale) {
return true; // 실행 가능
[SUBSCRIBE('setLocale') + IF("checkShow")] (locale) {
The trigger method allows you to execute an event defined on the object itself. Messages sent by trigger are not propagated elsewhere.
this.trigger('setLocale', 'en') // setLocale message is run only on self instance
If you want to send a message only to the parent object, you can do the following:
this.parent.trigger('setLocale', 'en');
trigger 함수로만 호출 할 수 있음. 나 자신의 이벤트를 실행하는 방법
class A extends UIElement {
[SUBSCRIBE_SELF('setLocale')] (locale) {
Simple example
This sample make a clickable element.
import {start, UIElement, CLICK} from 'sapa'
class Test extends UIElement {
template() {
return '<div>Text</div>'
[CLICK()] (e) {
start(Test, {
container: document.getElementById('app')
npm run dev
How to build
npm run build
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